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Item 100 днів нової влади: яка модель урядування формується?(2010) Коліушко, Ігор; Тимощук, Віктор; Куйбіда, Роман; Банчук, Олександр; Демкова, Мар'яна; Кириченко, Юлія; Журба, Ярина; Курінний, Олексій; Стоян, Валентина; Ткачук, Анатолій; Бураковський, Ігор; Бетлій, Олександра; Богдан, Тетяна; Кандул, Сергій; Кобилянська, Алла; Кравчук, Віталій; Кузнєцова, Анна; Кузяків, Оксана; Куценко, Катерина; Мовчан, Вероніка; Науменко, Дмитро; Пількевич, Катерина; Сисенко, Наталія; Чухай, Анна; Саприкін, Володимир; Омельченко, Володимир; Захаров, Євген; Лігачова, Наталія; Довженко, Отар; Вінніков, Олександр; Касьянов, Георгій; Шаров, Олег; Голубовська-Онісімова, Анна; Левченко, Катерина; Бистрицький, Євген; Чалий, Валерій; Пашков, Михайло; Сунгуровський, Микола; Мельник, Олексій; Сушко, Олександр; Сад, Наталія; Горбач, ВолодимирЗбірник містить висновки консорціуму незалежних аналітичних центрів України про діяльність владної команди – Президента України Віктора Януковича та Уряду на чолі з Прем'єр-міністром Миколою Азаровим – протягом перших 100 днів їх роботи. Оцінка діяльності влади неурядовими організаціями є важливим інструментом демократичного контролю над владою. Видання буде корисним для урядовців, народних депутатів, державних службовців, а також незалежних експертів і журналістів.Item A constitutional design between façade democracy and effective transformation?(2010) Petrov, Roman; Serdiuk, OleksandrItem Abschuss der MH-17: Stand der internationalen Untersuchungen und beginnender Strafprozess in Den Haag(2020) Koval, DmytroDer Beitrag zeichnet kurz die Geschichte des Absturzes von Flug MH-17 der Malaysia Airlines nach. Das Passagierflugzeug stürzte am 17. Juli 2014 auf dem Weg von Amsterdam nach Kuala Lumpur über der Ostukraine ab, alle 298 Insassen kamen dabei ums Leben. Es werden die wichtigsten Fakten zu den Gründen der Katastrophe vorgestellt sowie die mutmaßlich am Abschuss beteiligten Personen, wie sie durch die Arbeit des Joint Investigation Team (JIT) aus Vertretern von Ermittlungsbehörden in den Niederlanden, der Ukraine, Malaysia, Belgien und Australien ermittelt wurden. Es wird ein Überblick über die juristischen Möglichkeiten gegeben, die Katastrophe des Fluges MH-17 rechtlich zu bewerten. Ebenso werden Schwierigkeiten analysiert, die auf die Vertreter der Anklage während des Strafprozesses vor dem Bezirksgericht Den Haag zukommen könnten.Item Item "Acquis вступу" як складова феномену права Європейського Союзу: [препринт](2012) Петров, РоманПроцес європейської інтеграції породив безліч новел політичного, економічного і правового характеру, які зумовили привабливість європейської моделі регіональної інтеграції для країн всього світу, включаючи Україну. У юридичній сфері ЄС поки є єдиним прикладом успішно функціонуючої наднаціональної правової системи в рамках окремо взятої регіональної міжнародної організації. Унікальність правової системи ЄС характеризується верховенством і прямою дією її норм в країнах-членах ЄС, а також наявністю правових досягнень - "аcquis communautaire", які повинні розділяти і застосовувати як країни-члени ЄС, так і країни, що претендують на отримання членства ЄС.Item Applying the European Union's 'Energy Acquis' in Eastern Neighbouring Countries: the Cases of Ukraine and Moldova(2014) Petrov, RomanThe Treaty of Lisbon paved the way for legal formalization of new European Union policies and significantly enhanced the external dimension of the European Union Internal Market. The newly emerged European Union energy policy is a good example of this. External objectives of the European Union energy policy are being fulfilled through the Energy Community which embraces not only European Union Member States and candidate countries but also third countries without any perspective of membership in the EU. The Energy Community is designed as a perfect example of the ‘integration without membership’ model which gives a stake for third countries in the European Union Internal Market and promotes European Union’s sectoral acquis beyond the EU borders and plays a role of a laboratory working on better and deeper engagement of third countries into expanding the European Legal Space. This article focuses on challenges of the process of the application of the EU ‘energy acquis’ in Ukraine and Moldova.Item Approximation of laws in the EU-Ukraine association agreement(2014) Petrov, RomanThe article considers the scope of “approximation” of laws provisions in the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement that is the most voluminous and ambitious among all EU association agreements with third countries. There are many novelties introduced to this agreement. Most prominent of them are strong emphasis on comprehensive regulatory convergence between the EU and Ukraine and possibility for application of the EU acquis within the Ukrainian legal order. The process of effective implementation of the Association Agreement will constitute the greatest challenge for Ukraine. It has to prove their adherence to the EU’s common democratic and economic values, and ensure the proper functioning of their deep and comprehensive free trade areas.Item Item Article 8 TEU: Towards a New Generation of Agreements with the Neighbouring Countries of the European Union?(2011) Petrov, Roman; Van Elsuwege, PeterArticle 8 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU) provides a new legal basis for developing the European Union’s relations with its neighbouring countries. This contribution traces the origins of this provision and analyses its objectives and potential application in practice. It is argued that Article 8 TEU codifies the conditionality approach of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and introduces a differentiation with traditional association agreements for political reasons. The launch of the Eastern Partnership in May 2009, including the offer of concluding association agreements with the EU’s eastern partners, largely undermines the significance of this distinction. It is, however, not to be excluded that Article 8 TEU is used in relation to other neighbouring countries, which are not interested in formal association with the EU.Item Balkan region and the nis countries(2002) Petrov, RomanItem Between ‘Common Values’ and Competing Universals: The Promotion of the EU’s Common Values through the European Neighbourhood Policy: [preprint](2009) Petrov, Roman; Leino, PaiviThe aim of this article is to discuss the position of common values in the domain of EU external relations. The article looks at the role of common values in defining the EU's identity in its external policies and uses the European Neighbourhood Policy as an example. It is argued that the notion 'common values' is used by the EU institutions as both a 'universal' and an 'EU' concept, which highlights their abstract nature. Such abstraction is also reflected in the way in which Russia has recently aimed at developing its own set of 'common values' to be adopted by the neighbour countries. It is concluded that the ENP does not promote jointly shared common values to be adopted by neighbour countries. Instead, it employs a conditionality policy to ensure that the EU’s own understanding of the meaning of its values are adopted by neighbour countries.Item The Correlation of Constitutional and International Law : The Ukrainian Case(2020) Koziubra, Mykola; Zvieriev, IevgenConstitutional and international law often interrelate and regulate certain areas differently. The legal scholar’s viewpoint significantly determines his or her approach to the role of international and constitutional law in certain legal circumstances. This article focuses on the issue of determining the place of international treaties and generally recognized international law principles and norms in Ukraine’s domestic legal system. Ukraine has a well-established practice of automatically recognizing international treaties’ priority over its norms of domestic legislation, but this priority cannot be regarded as absolute. This article argues that legal scholars advance different arguments on this because they apply different approaches—approaches that originate either in constitutional or international law.Item Current challenges for the implementation of constitutional reform on judiciary in Ukraine on its way towards European integration(2018) Mykhaylyuk, HalynaReform of the judiciary is a key conditionality imposed by the EU, IMF and other donors on Ukraine (UA). Significant reforms of the judicial system approved by the Verkhovna Rada of UA (Parliament) on 2 June 2016 will take effect over the coming months and years. A new Supreme Court and a strengthened system of evaluation, monitoring and appointing judges will come into being. It is the first Supreme Court selection of such scale in history. Never before has there been any competition for the UA Supreme Court. Judges, lawyers and academics are now able to compete. Video streaming has been available at all testing stages, with the exception of the psychological test. On paper at least the independence of the judiciary has been strengthened. How far UA authorities in fact do so will depend on further actions, including the adoption of additional legislation. While the onus is on them to make these reforms work, the EU and the rest of the international community will also need to observe the process closely and take targeted action to ensure that the reforms move in the right direction when required.Item Developments in Oil and Gas Law in 2014(2015) Toms, Bate C.; Vlasyuk, Anna; Krakhmalova, KaterynaThis article reviews recent developments in the legal regulation of the oil and gas sector in Ukraine.Item Digitalization of financial services and challenges of adaptation of control(2021) Mykhailiuk, Galyna; Rustamzade, A.; Bakhishov, A.Recently, we heard much more about digitalization and related processes around the world. In other words, digitalization is already an important part of modern trends. The main aspects of digitalization, digital transformation and its impact on the financial services of the banks have been discussed and analyzed in this article. Along with the effect of digitalization on everyone’s life, the influence on financial services of the banks and on their businesses are also important. It is noted that banks need to make changes in their approaches to financial services, business models and strategies in accordance with the new requirements. The paper also focuses on the start of a new digital age in financial markets and the need for the regulator to adopt a new approach over the course of its existence. Formation of the reality of regulators working with wider companies and areas, the need to analyze the larger databases, the importance of extensive use of digital opportunities for more effective run of their functions have been examined. It is stated that the supervisors should be interested in technological development, take the leadership in its application, have to consider possible development trends, new regulations with financial institutions, as well as large bigtech companies. In this regard, the measures taken by the European regulatory authorities, innovations have been analyzed, as well. Emphasizing the importance of defining a common framework approach by the ECB, aspects of the policy set by national regulators within that framework are examined. The obvious positive advantages of new technological solutions application are also discussed. Thus, possibility of modern technological development to create a fertile ground for concealing a number of criminal acts, such as money laundering, terrorism, fraud and tax evasion is noted.Item Direct effect and difficulties of legal enforcement mechanism in the European Union(1997) Petrov, RomanItem Editorial(2023) Petrov, Roman; Zvieriev, Ievgen2022 was a year of tragic events for Ukraine and its peopledue to unprecedented military invasion by Russian Federationon February 24th. Kyiv-Mohyla Law & Politics Journal like many other Ukrainian academic periodicals and higher education establishmentshas faced unprecedented challenges of survival. Thus, we decided to postpone its 8/2022 issue and to merge it with 9/2023 issue. The editorial team has managed to attract and to review a number of high-quality articles, reflections and case notesin law and political science we propose to our readersin this joint 8-9/2022-2023 issue. All the materials have undergone thorough external review as usual.Item Empirical and classical attempts of counting demographic losses from the Genocide-Holodomor in Ukraine in 1932-1933(2018) Vasylenko, VolodymyrConference material "Proceedings of the International scientific-educatoinal working conference "Genocide-Holodomor 1932-1933: the losses of the Ukrainian nation".Item Energy Community as a promoter of the European Union's “energy acquis” to its Neighbourhood: [preprint](2012) Petrov, RomanThe Treaty of Lisbon paved the way for legal formalization of new European Union policies and significantly enhanced external dimension of the European Union Internal Market. The newly emerged European Union energy policy is a good example of it. External objectives of the European Union energy policy are being fulfilled through the Energy Community which embraces not only European Union Member States and candidate countries but also third countries without any prospect of membership in the EU. The Energy Community is designed as a perfect example of the "integration without membership" model which gives a stake in the European Union Internal Market for third countries and promotes the European Union's sectoral acquis beyond the EU borders. The article focuses on challenges of the process of Europeanisation on the EU's eastern neighbouring countries through the application of the EU "energy acquis".