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Item 100 років української масової та популярної культури: стратегії ідентифікації(2013) Лютий, ТарасItem Item 70 років - початок доби зрілості(2016) Ткачук, МаринаУ привітальному слові з нагоди 70-річчя Інституту філософії Марина Ткачук, декан факультету гуманітарних наук, наголосила на багаторічній співпраці Інституту філософії та НаУКМА. Зокрема, згадала про непересічну роль у відродженні Києво-Могилянської академії Вілена Сергійовича Горського, який залишив посаду в Інституті філософії і пішов створювати "з нуля" кафедру філософії та релігієзнавства в українському університеті нового, дерадянизованого зразка.Item 75-річчя від дня заснування Інституту філософії(2021) Єрмоленко, Анатолій; Стефанчук, Руслан; Загородній, Анатолій; Пирожков, Сергій; Смолій, Валерій; Бугров, Володимир; Конверський, Анатолій; Кремень, Василь; Кушерець, Василь; Довгий, Станіслав; Шемшученко, Юрій; Андрущенко, Віктор; Папакін, Георгій; Головаха, Євген; Майборода, Олександр; Доній, ОлесьТези виступу на урочистому засіданні Вченої ради Інституту філософії імені Г. С. Сковороди НАН УкраїниItem A Word of Welcome From the Editor-in-Chief(2021) Tkachuk, MarynaWelcome word from the editor-in-chief Maryna Tkachuk.Item Argumentation theory in the 20th century: a return to the origins of logic, dialectics, rhetoric(2022) Kolotilova, NataliiaМатеріали виступу учасника міжнародної наукової конференції "Дні науки філософського факультету - 2022", 11-12 травня 2022 р.Item Biblical Studies at the Kyiv Theological Academy (19th — early 20th Centuries): The Results and Prospects of the Research(2015) Golovashchenko, SergiiThis article presents a multiyear study undertaken by the author in a number of his research articles and monographs. For the first time in Ukrainian academic studies, the historical and theoretical reconstruction of biblical studies at the Kyiv Theological Academy in the 19th and early 20th centuries has been accomplished. This phenomenon is demonstrated and reviewed as a holistic system of research, instructional, theological, apologetic, religious and educational activity. Therefore, the history of biblical studies, as a specific academic discipline, has been singled out in the Ukrainian religious studies and theology of today. A large number of previously unexplored publications, documents, archival material, etc. have been introduced into academic use and significantly expanded the body of sources that can be used for research in biblical studies and theology in general. It significantly improves the current level of study of theology and the humanities in Ukraine in the 19th and early 20th centuries. At the same time, it expands the prospects for modern Ukrainian education, both secular and theological.Item Biblijne pojecie "pokoj": kilka wstepnych spostrzezen(Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2001) Golowaszczenko, SergijCelem tego artykułu jest zbadanie i rozważenie uniwersalnej idei pokoju w tradycji biblijnej. Autor pragnął zanalizować strukturę tej idei, pokazać współoddziaływanie jej ontologicznego, aksjologicznego, socjalnego, etycznego i osobowościowego aspektu. Jest to próba uporządkowania materiału tekstowego i zaprezentowania wstępnych spostrzeżeń. Próba zanalizowania istotnych sensów, które stanowią podstawę idei pokoju i tolerancji. Rozważając temat i badając teksty źródłowe, oparto się na kilku hipotezach. Po pierwsze, na przekonaniu o konieczności pełniejszego zbadania światopoglądowych zasad tworzenia i funkcjonowania idei pokoju i tolerancji na przestrzeni wieków. Po drugie, na przeświadczeniu o wielkiej roli biblijnej tradycji, jako nośnika i retranslatora bazowych sensów archetypowych, właściwych kulturze europejskiej. Po trzecie, pojęcie „pokój” (oddane przez hebrajskie nibtD i greckie eipr|vr) ) uważa się za podstawowe i sensotwórcze pojęcie idei tolerancji. Pojęcie pokoju dostatecznie wnikliwie przedstawiono w kanonicznych tekstach Biblii1, w ich ontologicznym, aksjologicznym, socjologicznym i etycznym aspekcie.Item Big Europe's gap: dynamic obstacles for intergration between European Union and Eurasian Economic Union: [monograph section](2017) Minakov, MikhailThe concept of a "Big United Europe" was among the ideas that defined the political transformation of the European nations between Dublin and Vladivostok for some time. De Gaulle’s "Europe from Atlantics to the Urals" and Gorbachev’s "Europe as Common House" are a few expressions of this concept in recent years. However, the significance of this idea has shifted from the utopian vision of several dreamers to a project being realized by major political and economic institutions. The present generation has survived this last great cycle between 1989 and 2014. The fall of the Berlin Wall has made it possible once again to make "Big Europe" united in and by the Council of Europe; the Crimean annexation, the start of the Donbass war, and the introduction of sanctions against each other by the EU and Russia have marked just another period of United Europe’s decline.Item Confirmation bias from the point of view of argumentation theory(2023) Kolotilova, NataliiaSince the second half of the 20th century, many areas of humanities, which sought to combine their efforts in researching various social phenomena, have been rapidly developing. It is about theories of argumentation, communication, practical philosophy, psychology, behavioral economics, etc. On the one hand, the factors that prevent a person from acting rationally are analyzed, and on the other hand, various techniques for achieving success by a person in communication, activities, etc., are developed. To date, many cognitive biases or illusions have been established, under the influence of which a person usually does not act rationally. The authors of the publication (Pohl, 2004) divide cognitive illusions into three groups: thinking, judgment, and memory. They consider confirmation bias as an illusion of thinking. In this regard, it is promising to investigate this bias in the context of the modern argumentation theory, the sources of which were historically such ancient disciplines as logic, dialectics, and rhetoric.Item Confirmation of the spiritual nature of individual and society in Yevhen Spektorskyi’s works of the emigrant period(2024) Krupyna, OksanaThe article presents the main issues of the works by the famous philosopher, jurist and educator Yevhen Vasyliovych Spektorskyi (1875‒1951) written during the period of forced emigration (1920‒1951) and professional activity at the universities of Belgrade, Prague, Ljubljana and the St. Volodymyr Orthodox Theological Seminary in New-York. In the intellectual biography of the thinker, these prolific years are marked by the development of issues in social science, philosophy, moral theology, and Christian ethics. In numerous works in various foreign languages, some of which have been analyzed in this article for the first time, Spektorskyi substantiated the importance of moral — as opposed to physical and mental — dimension of the existence of both individuals and society, for which he regarded the Christian religion to be a reference point. The latter, in his opinion, can truly explore the essence of the individual and social with the help of Christian sociology. The history of social philosophy is essential for social science as well as philosophy itself. Positioned between science and religion, philosophy has the capacity for free thinking, which is crucial for achieving a genuine understanding of society. As it is revealed in the article, the philosopher developed ethical guidelines within the framework of moral theology, criticizing naturalistic and mechanistic approaches to understanding society and the individual. Spektorskyi regarded freedom, dignity, and a righteous life according to the Christian ideal, as well as cultural activity, as fundamental values. The author argues that Spektorskyi’s affirmation of absolute values and the study of the relationship between the individual and society on the basis of the Christian religion provide grounds for evaluating Spektorskyi as an exceptionally religious philosopher.Item Conservative ideology in Ukraine(2010-10-14T16:12:52Z) Minakov, MikhailСтаттю присвячено аналізові ідеологічної ситуації в Україні 2000 - 2010 років. Автор розглядає сучасну українську політику як таку, що обумовлено пануванням двох конфліктних рівносильних ідеологічних спрямувань. Цей конфлікт перетворює політичне та громадянське суспільство на малоефективних гравців, дозволяючи бюрократії мати необмежену владу та контролювати редистрибуцію благ на свою користь. Статтю написано китайською мовою.Item Cultural economics: the role of higher education institution in shaping the value systems(2022) Horban, Oleksandr; Protsenko, Olena; Tytarenko, Vita; Bulvinska, O.; Melnychenko, O.Purpose. To examine the mechanism of managing changes resulting from the promotion of a new value system by higher educationinstitutions. Methodology. The research is based on the methods and tools of cultural economics, which allow the authors to comprehensively reveal the relationship between the value system and behavior, on the one hand, and the changes caused by values and behavior, on the other hand. The authors used the methods of modeling, comparative analysis, strategic and systematic approaches to the analysis of economic and managerial organization of the cultural sector and the behavior of producers and consumers. Findings. The study proved that: 1) the value system and its manifestations in practice signal the readiness of city residents to accept or reject changes; 2) the success of promoting a new value system depends on the alignment of the initiative to change the existing value system with the values of the change recipients; 3) the inconsistency between the value system that is being promoted and the recipients’ values shall be eliminated by means of communication with the change recipients. Communication aims to remove anxiety from expected changes and make the changes attractive to the recipients; 4) anxiety shall be remedied by the messages convincing the change recipients of the positive eff ects of changes on their value system and of the negative consequences if the recipients reject changes. Originality. The application of Schwartz’s Theory of Basic Values and the model of Långstedt and Manninen allowed the authors to explore the mechanism of managing changes resulting from the promotion of a new value system by a higher education institution. Practical value. The obtained results allow for the eff ective use of the methods and tools of cultural economics in the formation and promotion of a new system of values by a higher education institution.Item Cвобода релігії та протестантизм: історичний та сучасний контекст(2017) Бабій, Михайло; Филипович, ЛюдмилаПроблема свободи релігії в рік півтисячолітнього ювілею Реформації є актуальною. Вона не може не привернути уваги дослідників, експертів, віруючих - протестантів і не протестантів. Пів-тисячоліття європейці, а з ними і частина американців живуть в новій релігійній і світоглядній реальності, яка принципово вирізняється від попередньої, переважно одно- чи двокультурної, своєю різноманітністю.Item Dmytro Chyzhevsky and the tradition of Ukrainian “cordology”(2013) Tkachuk, MarynaMy decision to address this subject is prompted by two circumstances: on the one hand, the fact of the triumphant establishment in our philosophical (and not only philosophical) literature of the concept of "Ukrainian cordocentrism," whose sources go back to the work of Dmytro Chyzhevsky, and, on the other, the realization that perhaps the very first characteristic of philosophical thinking is a critical attitude toward stereotypes of all kinds and adherence to those elementary demands of rationality beyond whose bounds the work of the philosopher and, a fortiori, the historian of philosophy, loses its purpose.Item Does Ukraine Still Matter: [book chapter](2016) Minakov, MikhailItem Donetsk don’t tell – ‘hybrid war’ in Ukraine and the limits of social media influence operations(2023) Maschmeyer, Lennart; Abrahams, Alexei; Pomerantsev, Peter; Yermolenko, VolodymyrMany fear that social media enable more potent influence operations than traditional mass media. This belief is widely shared yet rarely tested. We challenge this emerging wisdom by comparing social media and television as vectors for influence operations targeting Ukraine. This article develops a theoretical framework based on media structure, showing how and why decentralized and centralized media offer distinct opportunities and challenges for conducting influence operations. This framework indicates a relative advantage for television in both dissemination and persuasiveness. We test this framework against the Russo-Ukrainian conflict (before the 2022 escalation), contributing new data from a national survey and a new dataset of Telegram activity. We identify fifteen disinformation narratives, and, using statistical analysis, examine correlations between media consumption, audience exposure to, and agreement with, narratives, and foreign policy preferences. To explore causal mechanisms, we follow up with content analysis. Findings strongly support our theoretical framework. While consuming some partisan social media channels is correlated with narrative exposure, there is no correlation with narrative agreement. Meanwhile, consumption of partisan television channels shows clear and consistent correlation. Finally, agreement with narratives also correlates with foreign policy preferences. However, and importantly, findings indicate the overall limitations of influence operationsItem Dynamics and Growth Prospects of the Protestant Denominations in Ukraine(2020) Vasylieva, Iryna; Tytarenko, VitaThe intensity and nature of changes in Protestant communities in Ukraine is analyzed on the basis of broad empirical material (statistics, sociological surveys). The confessional specificity of the spread of Protestant communities in the Ukrainian territories is revealed, as well as their dynamics, geographical conditionality, and more. Changes in institutional, socio-political, cultural, and educational spheres of life of Protestant churches in modern Ukraine are recorded. Social legalization, the legal recognition of these movements as the churches and religious organizations equal to other traditional churches, as well as dynamism of Protestantism in evangelical and missionary sphere and public life, have contributed to the formation of a new type of confessional institutionalization and contributed to the outreach of Protestant communities to the public space. Protestant communities find it necessary to initiate moral responsibility of citizens before society, to encourage people to unite in various non-governmental organizations (charitable, medical, legal, educational, creative, etc.); they are focused on charitable goals. However, it is important to understand that the Protestant milieu in Ukraine is not homogeneous. It differs in character and has its own internal problems, among which is a confrontation between conservative Baptists, socially active Evangelical Christians and Pentecostals, and new Protestant movements, especially neo-charismatic. There are also a number of problems related to the occupation of the Crimea and the war in the East of Ukraine. Such problems are caused by the infringement of the rights of Protestant denominations by the occupation authorities. In general, the Protestant communities try to give priority to civil society, equality and impartiality of the structure of Ukrainian society and are in solidarity with the principles of the Constitution of Ukraine. In situations of social upheaval, Protestant communities as part of inter-religious and inter-denominational associations demonstrate a willingness to take on the role of a mediator in fostering dialogue between the parties.Item An entrepreneurial transformation and organization of quarantine cultural practices in the smart city: evidence from Ukraine(2021) Pavlova, Olena; Panchenko, Valentyna; Rohozha, Mariya; Stoian, S.; Turenko, Vitalii; Zayed, Nurul MohammadThe article is devoted to the research of "smart city" and its organizational potential in the quarantine sphere. The historical perspective of quarantine cultural practices transformation is described. The status of the city as a formation space for the basic practices of a particular civilization is proved.Item Epistemological Significance of Faith(Калининградский государственный университет, 2004) Minakov, Mikhail