Активізація міфу у період кризи: особливості міфологем "війни" та "героя"
Зубрицька, Людмила
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У статті розглянуто тему активізації міфологічних структур у масовій свідомості під час кризових, переломних періодів. Виявлено особливості архетипу «героя» та міфологем «війни», «страху», «жертви», які сьогодні функціонують у масовій свідомості українського суспільства.
The article regards the issue of revitalization of mythological structures in the public consciousness
in terms of the crisis and turning points of history. It sheds light on mainstreaming of “hero,” “war,”
“fear,” and “sacrifice” archetypes in the public consciousness of the modern Ukrainian society. The real
social and political problems in the public consciousness are mythologized and substituted by the simplistic
notions of the struggle between two mythologized entities. Mythologization stands on the cross
road of the loss of a person’s own identity, which motivates to searching the new one, personification of
the objectives of the crisis in terms of “good/evil” division and spatial–temporal reasoning. Thus, Ukrainian
society is trying to ensure the “us – them,” “familiar – strange,” “friend – enemy” separation (in the
context of social and state institutions). Thereby, the image of a “hero” as the bearer of the absolute good
in the mythological consciousness corresponds to the image of “the enemy.” According to Ukrainian realities,
the mythological space is clearly marked: “pro-Russian Crimea,” “ATO zone,” “Lunahsk/ Donetsk
People’s Republic.”
The “War” mytheme has always granted a special status and prestige to the military profession; therefore,
the military spheres (ATO soldiers, volunteers) are often glorified and praised in Ukraine. The “Fear”
mytheme actualizes the importance of professional defenders of law and order, law enforcers, internal affairs
employees, and intelligence. The “Victim” mytheme continues to play a part in the public consciousness
and refers to the “martyrs” of the armed conflict, the majorly, the prisoners of war (one embodiment
of which is Nadia Savchenko). The “Victim” mytheme is also considered as a “fare” for Ukraine’s independence.
The significance of existence of the mythological structures embraces simplified explanations and restoration
of the worldview that is collapsing and changing. In fact, the myths serve as a powerful therapeutic
mechanism in times of wars and crises.
політичний міф, міфологема, архетип, криза, political myth, аrchetypе, crises
Зубрицька Людмила Йосипівна. Активізація міфу у період кризи : особливості міфологем "війни" та "героя" / Зубрицька Л. Й. // Наукові записки НаУКМА : Політичні науки. - 2016. - Т. 186. - С. 72-76.