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Item A Logical-Algebraic Approach to Revising Formal Ontologies: Application in Mereotopology(2024) Aranda-Corral, Gonzalo; Borrego-Díaz, Joaquín; Chávez-González, Antonia; Gulayeva, NataliyaIn ontology engineering, reusing (or extending) ontologies poses a significant challenge, requiring revising their ontological commitments and ensuring accurate representation and coherent reasoning. This study aims to address two main objectives. Firstly, it seeks to develop a methodological approach supporting ontology extension practices. Secondly, it aims to demonstrate its feasibility by applying the approach to the case of extending qualitative spatial reasoning (QSR) theories. Key questions involve effectively interpreting spatial extensions while maintaining consistency. The framework systematically analyzes extensions of formal ontologies, providing a reconstruction of a qualitative calculus. Reconstructed qualitative calculus demonstrates improved interpretative capabilities and reasoning accuracy. The research underscores the importance of methodological approaches when extending formal ontologies, with spatial interpretation serving as a valuable case study.Item Complexity of the problem of verifying the coordination mechanism in a system of software support of network collaboration(Springer New York, 2008) Glybovets, Mykola; Hlomozda, DmytroThe problem of verifying the coordination mechanism in a system of software support of network collaboration is considered. This problem is demonstrated to be similar to the agent verification problem. It is proved that the problem of verifying the coordination mechanism is co-complete.Item Construction of a mathematical model of multiobjective optimization on permutations(2020) Koliechkina, Liudmyla; Dvirna, Olena; Nahirna, AllaThe article is devoted to the problem of constructing and solving mathematical models of applied problems as multiobjective problems on combinatorial configurations. This question is actual branch because any task of optimal design of complex economic and technical systems, technological devices, planning and management etc. requires that the desired solution be found consider many criteria. It is used transfer to Euclidian combinatorial configurations and using of discrete optimizations methods. Method for solving such problems is considered and it includes the analyzing of structural graph of Euclidean combinatorial configurations sets. These methods can be modified by combining with other multiobjective optimization approaches depending on the initial conditions of the problem. Models for defining real estate contribution plans and production planning as multiobjective discrete problems are proposed. These models can be supplemented as needed by the required functions and, depending on the initial conditions, are presented as tasks on different sets of combinatorial configurations.Item Design of Grid Services for Running Virtual Machines as Computing Task Based on Transition Systems(2017) Kryvyi, S.; Boyko, YU.; Pogorilyy, S.; Boretskyi, O.; Glibovets, M.Proposed to apply method of grid system design on grid services for running virtual machines as regular computing task. The resulting global transition system is translated into a Petri net (PN). With the help of the PN is checked correctness of design, in particular the absence of deadlocks, dead transitions etc.Item Development of a Chat-Bot Graphical Designer(2023) Gulayeva, Nataliya; Kobieliev, MykhailoChat-bot is a computer program conducting conversations with humans via natural language. There exist several chat-bot classification methods: by interaction mode, design technique, usage goal etc. In this paper, text rule-based task-oriented chat-bots are considered. A graphical designer for these chat-bots to be created and integrated in the Telegram messenger is developed and implemented. At that, chat-bot behaviour is modelled using Finite State Machine (FSM) extended by disabled transitions to save history of transition changes made during FSM design process.Item Efficiency of question-answering pipeline in systems with combined LLM and knowledge base usage(2024) Androshchuk, MaksymThe integration of a large language model (LLM) with a knowledge base (KB) has been shown to significantly enhance the efficiency of question-answering (QA) pipelines. The KnowledgeNavigator framework has demonstrated effectiveness and generalization in QA tasks [1].Item EMERECU – темпусівський грант створення електронного мультимедійного ресурсного центру навчальних матеріалів для України(2006) Глибовець, Микола; Бублик, ВолодимирЩо собою представляє EMERECU? Це відкрита система для збереження навчальних матеріалів у найбільш розповсюджених форматах. Вона може бути використана і як єдина система організації навчання та управління в традиційній очній системі навчання. Система містить онлайнову навчальну платформу та ресурсний депозитарій, який використовує стандарти LTSC, IMS, SCORM. Використані найновіші технології для запису і трансляції лекцій дозволяють синхронізацію з матеріалами презентації та дуже невибагливі до апаратного забезпечення.Item Emotional Experiences and Psychological Well-Being in 51 Countries During the COVID-19 Pandemic(2024) Sun, Rui; Balabanova, Alisa; Bajada, Claude Julien; Liu, Yang; Kriuchok, Mariia; Voolma, Silja-Riin; Đurić, Mirna; Mayer, Claude-Hélène; Constantinou, Maria; Chichua, Mariam; Li, Chengcheng; Foster-Estwick, Ashley; Borg, Kurt; Hill, Carin; Kaushal, Rishabh; Diwan, Ketaki; Vitale, Valeria; Engels, Tiarah; Aminudin, Rabiah; Ursu, Irina; Fadhlia, Tengku Nila; Wu, Yi-jung; Sekaja, Lusanda; Hadchity, Milad; Deak, Anita; Sharaf, Shahira; Figueras, Pau; Kaziboni, Anthony; Whiston, Aoife; Ioumpa, Kalliopi; Montelongo, Alfredo; Pauw, Lisanne; Pavarini, Gabriela; Vedernikova, Evgeniya; Van Vu, Tuong; Nummenmaa, Lauri; Cong, Yong-Qi; Nikolic, Milica; Olguin, Andrea; Hou, Wai Kai; Israelashvili, Jacob; Koo, Hyunjin; Khademi, Samaneh; Ukachukwu, Chinwendu; Juma, Damian Omari; Kamiloğlu, Roza; Makhmud, Akerke; Lunga, Peter Sigurdson; Rieble, Carlotta; Rizwan, Muhammad; Helmy, Mai; Vuillier, Laura; Manokara, Kunalan; Quezada, Enzo Cáceres; Tserendamba, Delgermend; Yoshie, Michiko; Du, Amy; Philip-Joe, Kumba; Kúld, Pála Björk; Damani, Kalifa; Osei-Tutu, Annabella; Sauter, DisaThe COVID-19 pandemic presents challenges to psychological well-being, but how can we predict when people suffer or cope during sustained stress?Here,we test the prediction that specific types of momentary emotional experiences are differently linked to psychological well-being during the pandemic. Study 1 used survey data collected from 24,221 participants in 51 countries during the COVID-19 outbreak. We show that, across countries, wellbeing is linked to individuals’ recent emotional experiences, including calm, hope, anxiety, loneliness, and sadness. Consistent results are found in two age, sex, and ethnicity-representative samples in the United Kingdom (n= 971) and the United States (n= 961) with preregistered analyses (Study 2). A prospective 30-day daily diary study conducted in the United Kingdom (n= 110) confirms the key role of these five emotions and demonstrates that emotional experiences precede changes in well-being (Study 3). Our findings highlight differential relationships between specific types of momentary emotional experiences and well-being and point to the cultivation of calm and hope as candidate routes for well-being interventions during periods of sustained stress.Item Experimental analysis of multinational genetic algorithm and its modifications(2021) Gulayeva,Nataliia; Yaremko, SolomiiaContext. Niching genetic algorithms are one of the most popular approaches to solve multimodal optimization problems. When classifying niching genetic algorithms it is possible to select algorithms explicitly analyzing topography of fitness function landscape; multinational genetic algorithm is one of the earliest examples of these algorithms. Objective. Development and analysis of the multinational genetic algorithm and its modifications to find all maxima of a multimodal function. Method. Experimental analysis of algorithms is carried out. Numerous runs of algorithms on well-known test problems are conducted and performance criteria are computed, namely, the percentage of convergence, real (global, local) and fake peak ratios; note that peak rations are computed only in case of algorithm convergence. Results. Software implementation of a multinational genetic algorithm has been developed and experimental tuning of its parameters has been carried out. Two modifications of hill-valley function used for determining the relative position of individuals have been proposed. Experimental analysis of the multinational genetic algorithm with classic hill-valley function and with its modifications has been carried out. Conclusions. The scientific novelty of the study is that hill-valley function modifications producing less number of wrong identifications of basins of attraction in comparison with classic hill-valley function are proposed. Using these modifications yields to performance improvements of the multinational genetic algorithm for a number of test functions; for other test functions improvement of the quality criteria is accompanied by the decrease of the convergence percentage. In general, the convergence percentage and the quality criterion values demonstrated by the algorithm studied are insufficient for practical use in comparison with other known algorithms. At the same time using modified hill-valley functions as a post-processing step for other niching algorithms seems to be a promising improvement of performance of these algorithms.Item Extension of scala language by distributed and parallel computing tools with Linda coordination system: [author's post-print](2010) Glybovets, Mykola; Gorohovskiy, Semen; Stukalo, M.The paper describes a new library developed for Linda language implementation for Scala programming language (language support of the component programming software). The library uses client-server architecture and a database for the tuple space representation. It implements the search for similarities and “primitive” and additional operations. The library can be used for distributed and parallel application development.Item Finding the Optimal Solution to the Problem of Conditional Optimization on the Graph of the Set of Partial Permutations(2020) Koliechkina, Liudmyla; Nahirna, AllaAn optimization problem on a combinatorial set of partial permutations with additional constraints is formulated in the paper. An algorithm for solving this type of problem is considered, which consists of four steps. The algorithm lies in constructing a graph of a set of partial permutations to find the optimal solution. An example of a practical implementation of the presented algorithm is given.Item Fourier descriptors for shape characterization(ВПЦ НаУКМА, 2011) Buchko, OlenaУ статті розглянуто методи опису форми на основі дескрипторів Фур’є. Побудовано дескриптори Фур’є на основі кутової і комплексної репрезентації форми, запропоновано новий дескриптор. Проаналізовано здібності дескрипторів характеризувати форми різних об’єктів.Item Information system assessment of the creditworthiness of an individual(2022) Nahirna, Alla; Chumachenko, Oleksandra; Pyechkurova, OlenaNowadays enterprise information systems of banks provide modules for calculating creditworthiness of the business. Such systems are complex and it is difficult to maintain and develop them. Moreover, it requires the involvement of large teams. In addition, systems are complicated to change and update in accordance with changes in current legislation. From another point of view, demand for consumer loans is high, and creating a separate module for calculating the creditworthiness of an individual is appropriate in case of increasing the adaptability to changes and updates of the system. Calculating the creditworthiness of an individual is relevant not only for the banking system, but also for other spheres such as logistics and marketing. The work describes the created information system for calculating the creditworthiness of an individual, which calculates the class of the borrower based on data from credit history, credit rating, quality characteristics, financial indicators of the person and characteristics of the credit transaction. The use of the Asp.Net Core platform and the Vue.js framework to build a software module that can be used both independently and easily integrated into other corporate systems is demonstrated. In this work the major steps of designing and developing the system are described.Item The Mathematical Model of the Optimal Choice of a Software Package for an Enterprise Information System(2019) Koliechkina, Liudmyla; Nahirna, AllaThe mathematical definition of the optimal choice problem for software package for an enterprise information system is considered. The problem of the optimal software package choice is a mathematical model of combinatorial optimization on a set of combinations. The algorithm for solving this problem is presented for finding the minimum value of the target function considering additional linear constraints. This method makes it possible to significantly simplify the finding procedure of the optimal solution, since inequalities in the growth of constraints allow us to immediately determine whether a point in the set of combinations will be a support solution or not. In the positive case, the support solution is improved, taking into account the properties of many combinations when directly checking the growth of the target function. The algorithm and its realization are demonstrated by a numerical example. The proposed mathematical model and solution algorithm can be used for a similar class of problems that are modeled by optimization models, where the set of feasible solutions is presented in the many combinations form.Item The Practical Aspect of Using a Combinatorial Model on Configuration of Combinations(2019) Koliechkina, Liudmyla; Nahirna, AllaThe paper proposes the practical task of choosing a set of programs to protect information at the enterprise. An optimization combinatorial model is built on the configuration of combinations to solve the task. An algorithm for finding a solution to this optimization problem is presented. A practical example of the use of a optimization combinatorial model and the search for the best choice of a set of programs for data protection at the enterprise is given.Item Quadratic Optimization Problem on Permutation Set with Simulation of Applied Tasks(2019) Koliechkina, Liudmyla; Nahirna, Alla; Dvirna, OlenaThe article discusses the formulation of an optimization problem with a quadratic target function and additional constraints on the permutation set, which can be a model of many applied problems. An algorithm for solving an optimization problem with a quadratic target function and additional constraints on permutations is proposed. During the implementation of the method the first reference plan is found and additional restrictions for it are checked at the first stage. Thus, in the beginning of the algorithm, the number of considered solutions decreases. This makes it possible at the first stage to reduce the number of possible solutions and narrow the area of the problem study. An example of solving a theoretical problem using this method, demonstrating its effectiveness, is proposed. Such task can be used to modeling various technological processes. The reason for this is the optimization of mathematical models and algorithms for the proposed models.Item Some Ways of Enhancing Recommendations Aimed at Improving Positions of Alternatives on the Base of AHP(2023) Oletsky, Oleksiy; Tryhub, Oleksander; Franchuk, Ivan; Dosyn, DmytroSuggestions on enhancing the approach to elaborating recommendations about improving alternatives, which are to be chosen, on the base of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, and those on supplementing the recommender system based on this approach, are made in the paper. These suggestions are aimed both at implementing various options for recommendations about actual betterment of alternatives and at justifying possible satisfactory choices. Within the latter, possibilities related to fixing inconsistencies in the initial pairwise comparison matrices are discussed and illustrated.Item Speech audio modeling by means of causal moving average equipped gated attention(2022) Ivaniuk, AndriiIn the paper we compare different attention mechanisms on the task of audio generation using unsupervised approaches following previous work in language modeling. It is important problem, as far as speech synthesis technology could be used to convert textual information into acoustic waveform signals. These representations can be conveniently integrated into mobile devices and used in such applications as voice messengers or email apps. Sometimes it is difficult to understand and read important messages when being abroad. The lack of appropriate computer systems or some security problems may arise. With this technology, e-mail messages can be listened quickly and efficiently on smartphones, boosting productivity. Apart from that, it is used to assist visually impaired people, so that, for instance, the screen content can be automatically read aloud to a blind user. Nowadays, home appliances, like slow cookers can use this system too for reading culinary recipes, automobiles for voice navigation to the destination spot, or language learners for pronunciation teaching. Speech generation is the opposite problem of automatic speech recognition (ASR) and is researched since the second half of the eighteen’s century. Also, this technology also helps vocally handicapped people find a way to communicate with others who do not understand sign language. However, there is a problem, related to the fact that the audio sampling rate is very high, thus lea,ding to very long sequences which are computationally difficult to model. Second challenge is that speech signals with the same semantic meaning can be represented by a lot of signals with significant variability, which is caused by channel environment, pronunciation or speaker timbre characteristics. To overcome these problems, we train an autoencoder model to discretize continuous audio signal into a finite set of discriminative audio tokens which have a lower sampling rate. Subsequently, autoregressive models, which are not conditioned on text, are trained on this representation space to predict the next token, based on previous sequence elements. Hence, this modeling approach resembles causal language modeling. In our study, we show that unlike in the original MEGA work, traditional attention outperforms moving average equipped gated attention, which shows that EMA gated attention is not stable yet and requires careful hyper-parameter optimization.Item Technical comparison aspects of leading blockchain-based platforms on key characteristics(2018) Ivanov, Alexander; Babichenko, Yevhenii; Kanunnikov, Hlib; Karpus, Paul; Foiu-Khatskevych, Leonid; Kravchenko, Roman; Gorokhovskyi, Kyrylo; Nevmerzhitskyi, IevhenBlockchain as a technology is rapidly developing, finding more and more new entry points into everyday life. This is one of the elements of the technical Revolution 4.0, and it is used in the field of supply, maintenance of various types of registers, access to software products, combating DDOS attacks, distributed storage, fundraising for projects, IoT, etc. Nowadays, there are many blockchain-platforms in the world. They have one technological root but different applications. There are many prerequisites to the fact that in the future the number of new decentralized applications will increase. Therefore, it is important to develop a methodology for determining the optimal blockchain-based platform to solve a specific problem. As an example, consider the worldfamous platforms Ethereum, Nem, and Stellar. Each of them allows to develop decentralized applications, issue tokens, and execute transactions. At the same time, the key features of these blockchain-based platforms are not similar to one another. These very features will be considered in the article. Purpose. Identify the key parameters that characterize the blockchain-based platforms. This will provide an opportunity to present a complex blockchain technology in the form of a simple and understandable architecture. Based on these parameters and using the expertise of the article’s authors, we will be able to develop a methodology to be used to solve the problems of choosing the optimal blockchain-based platform for solving the problem of developing smart contracts and issuing tokens. Methods. Analysis of the complexity of using blockchain-based platforms. Implementation of token issuance, use of test and public networks, execution of transactions, analysis of the development team and the community, analysis of the user interface and the developer interface. Discussion. By developing a platform comparison methodology to determine optimal characteristics, we can take the development process to a new level. This will allow to quickly and effectively solve the tasks. Results. Creation of a methodology for comparison blockchain-based platforms.Item Visual Evolutionary Search for the Pareto-Optimal Data(2016) Norkin, B.У статті описується інформаційна технологія (та програмне забезпечення) для інтерактивного візуального пошуку Парето-оптимальних даних у великому наборі даних (точок даних). Кожен елемент даних (точка) є вектором із набором компонентів зі значеннями в повністю впорядкованих, можливо різних, просторах або множинах. Ці компоненти розглядаються як критерії оптимізації, які можуть бути максимізовані або мінімізовані. Основна проблема полягає у визначенні недомінуємої підмножини даних щодо обраних критеріїв/компонентів з заданими напрямками оптимізації. Задача вирішується в інтерактивному режимі за допомогою графічного відображення даних у різних площинах (парах координат). Друга проблема полягає у впорядкуванні даних по відношенню до їх сили домінування. Остання задача вирішується шляхом розрахунку двох чисел, кількості елементів, які домінуються даним елементом, і кількості елементів, яких домінує даний елемент, обчислення їх різниці та відображенням різних розмірів точок даних на дисплеї.