Дунайський регіон в історії східних і західних слов'ян (друга половина І тис. н. е.)
Приходнюк, Олег
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Стаття присвячена історичній інтерпретації згадок середньовічних авторів про прихід слов'ян з
Подунав'я. Аналізуються археологічні матеріали, що певною мірою узгоджуються з твердженнями середньовічних
хронік про переселення слов'янського населення з Подунав'я на територію України.
The article is dedicated to the historical interpretation of the annalistic information about the arrival of Slavs from the Danube region and their subsequent scattering. On the first pages of "The TaIe of Bygone Years" Nestor tells about coming and settling of Slavs from the Danube region. This annalistic mentioning was laid in the base of the Danube theory of Slavs' origin, which is considered to be a contestable one among the scientists. But there are historical and archaeological sources, which corroborate the very process which had been taking place at the beginning of the Middle Ages Epoch. According to Iordan, Procophanus, Nicephorus and the other, in the VIth-VIIth century Slavonic tribes managed to colonize the Balkans and the Danube region. This process is also fixed archaeologically by the presence of the settlements such as Dzedzovi, Lozia and the burial grounds such as Garvan, Babovo, Yuper on these territories. And only the arrival of Proto-Bulgarians on the Balkan and Danube lands under the leadership of Khan Asparukh in 679/680 caused the partial settling of Slavs on their original territories. The treasures from Zalissia and Kharivka, the materials from Pastyrs'ke and Zymno HiIl forts, which originate from Ukrainian territories are the archeological evidences of such setting out.
The article is dedicated to the historical interpretation of the annalistic information about the arrival of Slavs from the Danube region and their subsequent scattering. On the first pages of "The TaIe of Bygone Years" Nestor tells about coming and settling of Slavs from the Danube region. This annalistic mentioning was laid in the base of the Danube theory of Slavs' origin, which is considered to be a contestable one among the scientists. But there are historical and archaeological sources, which corroborate the very process which had been taking place at the beginning of the Middle Ages Epoch. According to Iordan, Procophanus, Nicephorus and the other, in the VIth-VIIth century Slavonic tribes managed to colonize the Balkans and the Danube region. This process is also fixed archaeologically by the presence of the settlements such as Dzedzovi, Lozia and the burial grounds such as Garvan, Babovo, Yuper on these territories. And only the arrival of Proto-Bulgarians on the Balkan and Danube lands under the leadership of Khan Asparukh in 679/680 caused the partial settling of Slavs on their original territories. The treasures from Zalissia and Kharivka, the materials from Pastyrs'ke and Zymno HiIl forts, which originate from Ukrainian territories are the archeological evidences of such setting out.
археологія, слов'яни, середньовічні хроніки, переселення, Україна, стаття
Приходнюк О. М. Дунайський регіон в історії східних і західних слов'ян (друга половина I тис. н.е.) / О. М. Приходнюк // Маґістеріум. Вип. 6. Археологічні студії / [упоряд. Л. Л. Залізняк] ; Національний університет "Києво-Могилянська академія ". - Київ : Стилос, 2001. - C. 26-29.