Порядок вирішення індивідуальних трудових спорів: становлення, розвиток та перспективи

dc.contributor.authorМельник, К. Ю.
dc.description.abstractУ статті здійснено аналіз історії правового регулювання індивідуальних трудових спорів. Вивчено законодавчі та наукові підходи до визначення категорії "індивідуальний трудовий спір". Наведено авторське визначення категорії "індивідуальний трудовий спір" як неврегульованих розбіжностей між роботодавцем і працівником (претендентом на посаду, звільненим працівником) з питань застосування трудового законодавства, колективних угод, локальних нормативно-правових актів, трудового договору або встановлення чи зміни індивідуальних умов праці, про які заявлено в орган (посадовій особі), наділений відповідними повноваженнями з їх вирішення. Запропоновано класифікацію індивідуальних трудових спорів. Окреслено причини їх виникнення. Визначено особливості порядку вирішення індивідуальних трудових спорів та надано пропозиції з його удосконалення, зокрема щодо підвищення ефективності діяльності комісій по трудових спорах.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe author of the article has analyzed the history of legal regulation of individual labor disputes. It has been noted that historically disputes about the working conditions began to appear in the world together with the emergence of hired labor relations in the era of the formation of the capitalist mode of production. States began to take care of the regulation of working conditions and resolving disputes between employees and employers at the end of the 19th and early 20th century, when the collective struggle of employees for the improvement of working conditions and rest already acquired force, which threatened the stability and even the existence of states. The author has provided a definition of the category of "an individual labor dispute", which refers to unregulated differences between an employer and an employee (the applicant for a position, dismissed employee) on the application of labor legislation, collective agreements, local regulatory acts, an employment contract or the establishment or modification of individual working conditions reported to the agency (an official), endowed with appropriate powers to resolve them. The author has offered the classification of individual labor disputes for the following reasons: 1) according to the subjects of application: labor disputes where the applicant is an employee; labor disputes where the applicant is an employer; labor disputes where the applicant is an applicant for a position; labor disputes where the applicant is a dismissed employee; 2) according to the subject matter: labor disputes on the recognition of the refusal to conclude an employment contract as unlawful; labor disputes on wage payment; labor disputes regarding the recognition of dismissal as illegitimate and reinstatement in a job; labor disputes on the recognition of the imposition of disciplinary sanction as illegal; labor disputes about compensation for pecuniary damage, etc.; 3) according to the nature: labor disputes on the application of labor laws, collective agreements, local regulatory acts, an employment contract; labor disputes about the establishment or modification of individual working conditions not regulated by labor legislation, collective agreements, local regulatory acts, an employment contract; 4) according to the procedure of consideration: labor disputes which are considered in the general procedure; labor disputes which are considered exclusively in the court; labor disputes that are considered in the special procedure; 5) according to the types of legal relations which are the basis for a labor dispute: labor disputes arising from labor legal relations; labor disputes arising out of legal relations that are related to labor (except for collective legal relations in the field of hired labor). The author has provided propositions on the improvement of the procedure for solving individual labor disputes. The author has offered to ensure the functioning of commissions on labor disputes at all enterprises, institutions, organizations with a number of employees of not less than 15 people and to increase the efficiency of their activities. To accomplish this, within the legislative procedure the author has offered the following: first, to oblige employers to set up commissions on labor disputes at enterprises, institutions, organizations with at least 15 employees and to establish liability for non-compliance; and secondly, to extend the guarantees for employees who are part of these commissions stipulated by the law for the members of the conciliation commissions created in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the Procedure for the Resolution of Collective Labor Disputes (Conflicts)" and for the employees elected for trade unions.en_US
dc.identifier.citationМельник К. Ю. Порядок вирішення індивідуальних трудових спорів: становлення, розвиток та перспективи / Мельник К. Ю. // Наукові записки НаУКМА. Юридичні науки. - 2019. - Т. 3. - С. 77-82.uk_UA
dc.relation.sourceНаукові записки НаУКМА. Юридичні наукиuk_UA
dc.statusfirst publisheduk_UA
dc.subjectтрудовий спірuk_UA
dc.subjectтрудові праваuk_UA
dc.subjectтрудові правовідносиниuk_UA
dc.subjectнаймана працяuk_UA
dc.subjectкомісія по трудових спорахuk_UA
dc.subjecta labor disputeen_US
dc.subjectlabor rightsen_US
dc.subjectan employeeen_US
dc.subjectan employeren_US
dc.subjectlabor legal relationsen_US
dc.subjecthired laboren_US
dc.subjectcommission on labor disputesen_US
dc.titleПорядок вирішення індивідуальних трудових спорів: становлення, розвиток та перспективиuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeResolution of individual labor disputes: formation, development, and prospectsen_US
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