Подвійний предикативно-кореляційний синтаксичний зв'язок: граматична специфіка та умови реалізації

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Кобченко, Наталія
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У статті висвітлено граматичні особливості й сферу реалізації одного з різновидів подвійного синтаксичного зв'язку, а саме предикативно-кореляційного. Доведено подвійну природу синтаксичного зв'язку в реченнях із займенниковими іменниками другої особи в позиції підмета та звертаннями, аргументовано його предикативно-кореляційний характер, описано механізми його встановлення. З'ясовано роль вокатива в семантико-синтаксичній і формально-граматичній організації таких речень.
Today grammatical status and domains of realization of subordinate to-word- correlative and subordinate determinative-correlative syntactic connections are clarified. Our observations are made to admit one more type of to-word-correlative syntactic connection, namely predicated-correlative syntactic connection. Purpose: The purpose of the analysis is to prove the realization of dual syntactic connection in sentences with a pronoun of the second person as a subject and a substantive in vocative as an allocution correlating with this subject, and to explain the grammatical features of this type of syntactic connection. Methods: The theoretical-methodological base of the research is the complex analysis of a sentence on the communicative, semantic-syntactic, and formal-syntactic levels and, according to this, the qualification of the syntactic connection as the formal reflection of real connections, mediated by the semantic-syntactic level, between real things in the environment. We also use some special method, namely constituent analysis, analysis by the terms of dependence and elements of derivational analysis. Results: The main linguistic results we report here are as follows: 1) a pronoun of the second person as a subject, a substantive in vocative as an allocution correlating with the subject both are in the valent frame of a verb in the predicative position; 2) a verb in the predicative position does not coordinate its category of gender with the same category of a pronoun in the position of subject, but does so with the same category of a vocative correlating with this pronoun; 3) a verb in the predicative position coordinates its category of number not only with the same category of a pronoun in the position of subject, but also with the same category of a vocative, true by mediation of this pronoun; 4) a pronoun in the position of subject and a vocative in the function of an allocution have the same categories of person (the second person always) and number, and in a context, the pronoun acquires the gender meaning according to vocative’s category of gender. Therefore, there is a predicative syntactic connection between a verb and a pronoun, and at the same time, between a verb and a substantive in vocative; and there is incomplete syntactic connection of correlation between a pronoun and a substantive in vocative. Discussions: Dual predicated-correlative syntactic connection realizes in syntactic triples, formed with a pronoun of the second person as a subject, a substantive in vocative as an allocution correlating with the subject, and a verb (synthetic or analytical verbal form) as a predicate. The prospective of our study is to research specific features of syntactic connections of vocative, which correlate with a pronoun as a subordinate part of the sentence.
подвійний синтаксичний зв'язок, звертання, предикативний центр, структура речення, займенниковий іменник, вокатив, стаття, dual syntactic connection, allocution, predicative centre, pronominal and relative sentence structure, pronominal word, vocative
Кобченко Н. В. Подвійний предикативно-кореляційний синтаксичний зв'язок: граматична специфіка та умови реалізації / Наталя Кобченко // Мова : класичне - модерне - постмодерне : збірник наукових праць / відп. ред. В. Ожоган ; Нац. ун-т "Києво-Могилянська академія". - Київ : Дух і Літера, 2017. - Вип. 3. - С. 177-191.