Дипломатія міст в умовах поглиблення інтеграційних процесів

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Халецька, Аліна
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Національний університет "Києво-Могилянська академія"
Метою дослідження є визначити основні підходи та контекст щодо розвитку дипломатії міст в Україні в умовах поглиблення інтеграційних процесів.
The purpose of the publication is to determine the main approaches and context for the development of city diplomacy in Ukraine in the context of deepening integration processes. A brief overview of the general context of the evolution of diplomacy as a professional activity allows us to conclude that with the development of technology and the emergence of the Internet and social media, the number of involved government and non-government actors in diplomatic relations increases, which allows us to assert the formation and development of public diplomacy (citizen diplomacy, city-to- city diplomacy, people diplomacy) with a focus on public needs in strategic communication. The main stages of the development of the city’s diplomacy have been studied: from ancient times to the adoption of the Peace of Westphalia as the first attempt at modern international diplomacy, the codification of the international code of laws – the basis for international communities; acute phases of international conflicts – the problems of war as the first global challenges, the solution of which involved cities. The modern stage of the development of city diplomacy is analyzed in the context of theory and practice. The role of City Public Diplomacy is explored through the analysis of combating global problems, achieving the goals of sustainable development, which strengthens the subjectivity of the city as an actor of international relations. It is grounded that among the initiatives of the city’s diplomacy network, the following can be distinguished: economic; migratory; regarding the prevention of pandemics and infectious diseases; security; digital and smart, inclusive cities. The priority directions of cooperation of modern cities are peacebuilding, postconflict restoration of territories affected by military actions, cross-cultural communication; city diplomacy is rapidly gaining institutional and legal recognition by states and international organizations in various geopolitical contexts. Cases of successful practices are given.
публічна дипломатія, дипломатія міста, міжнародні мережі міст, співпраця, розділ монографії, public diplomacy, city diplomacy, international networks of cities, cooperation
Халецька А. А. Дипломатія міст в умовах поглиблення інтеграційних процесів / Аліна Халецька // Public policy, governance and communications in the EU member states and candidate countries : post-conference monograph / [V. Burksiene et al. ; gen. ed. by G. Riabtsev and V. Tertychka] ; National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy [et al.]. - Kyiv : NaUKMA, 2023. - С. 109-117.