Зміна Конституційним Судом України власних юридичних позицій і застосування динамічного тлумачення - пошук співвідношення
Грищенко, К. С.
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У статті автор висуває та спростовує гіпотезу, відповідно до якої протилежні позиції в рішеннях Конституційного Суду України є наслідком застосування динамічного тлумачення. Щоб перевірити гіпотезу, автор звертається до генези динамічного тлумачення, виокремлює критерії, що відрізняють динамічне тлумачення, та застосовує такі критерії до окремих рішень Конституційного Суду
The author makes and rejects a hypothesis according to which inconsistent opinions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine are the result of dynamic interpretation. The article presents the analysis of inconsistent positions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, where the Court gives two opposite interpretations of one provision. The author makes a hypothesis according to which the Court changes its previous position as a result of dynamic interpretation. In order to test the hypothesis, the author examines the origin of dynamic interpretation as a method used to change previous positions, identifies the criteria to distinguish dynamic interpretation among other interpretation methods, and applies those criteria to inconsistent positions of the Court. The article includes cases of the European Court of Human Rights and the Supreme Court of the United States, which demonstrate a practical application of dynamic interpretation. The article provides three examples of inconsistent positions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. The first one demonstrates interpretation of the provision on members of the parliamentary coalition. In the second example, the Court interprets the nature of the law amending the Constitution of Ukraine. Finally, in the third example the Court interprets the meaning of the “next regular session” within the process of amending the Constitution of Ukraine. As a result of analysis, the author rejects the hypothesis and concludes that the analyzed positions shall not be considered as an application of dynamic interpretation since they do not meet any criteria which distinguish dynamic interpretation among other interpretation methods.
The author makes and rejects a hypothesis according to which inconsistent opinions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine are the result of dynamic interpretation. The article presents the analysis of inconsistent positions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, where the Court gives two opposite interpretations of one provision. The author makes a hypothesis according to which the Court changes its previous position as a result of dynamic interpretation. In order to test the hypothesis, the author examines the origin of dynamic interpretation as a method used to change previous positions, identifies the criteria to distinguish dynamic interpretation among other interpretation methods, and applies those criteria to inconsistent positions of the Court. The article includes cases of the European Court of Human Rights and the Supreme Court of the United States, which demonstrate a practical application of dynamic interpretation. The article provides three examples of inconsistent positions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. The first one demonstrates interpretation of the provision on members of the parliamentary coalition. In the second example, the Court interprets the nature of the law amending the Constitution of Ukraine. Finally, in the third example the Court interprets the meaning of the “next regular session” within the process of amending the Constitution of Ukraine. As a result of analysis, the author rejects the hypothesis and concludes that the analyzed positions shall not be considered as an application of dynamic interpretation since they do not meet any criteria which distinguish dynamic interpretation among other interpretation methods.
Конституційний Суд України, правова позиція, тлумачення, динамічне тлумачення, судова практика Конституційного Суду України, колізії, Constitutional Court of Ukraine, legal opinion, interpretation, dynamic interpretation, judgments of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, collisions, стаття
Грищенко К. С. Зміна Конституційним Судом України власних юридичних позицій і застосування динамічного тлумачення - пошук співвідношення / Грищенко К. С. // Наукові записки НаУКМА. Юридичні науки. - 2017. - Т. 193. - С. 17-21.