Основні напрями вдосконалення міжнародної безпекової політики в контексті російсько-української війни

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Гнатків, Василь
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Національний університет "Києво-Могилянська академія"
Зосереджуючись на причинах і наслідках російсько-української війни та його впливі на безпеку в регіоні, дослідження визначає ключові аспекти, які потребують уваги задля забезпечення майбутньої стабільності та безпеки в Європі.
The study is devoted to the analysis of directions for the improvement of international security policy in post-war Europe (after the Russian-Ukrainian war). The study is focused on the consequences of the conflict and its impact on security in the region, is explored key aspects that need attention and improvement in order to ensure future stability and security in Europe. The study examines the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war, its research for security in Europe, and the need to improve international security policy to prevent similar conflicts in the future. One of the important areas ofprovement of the international security policy is strengthening the defense capability of the countries of Europe. This includes expanding military capabilities, increasing defense funding, developing joint defense initiatives, and strengthening international military cooperation. To effectively confront security challenges in Europe, international organizations such as the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the United Nations, the European Union (EU), and NATO must deepen cooperation and coordination of their forces. This means improving information sharing, joint planning and conducting of security operations, and strengthening cooperation mechanisms. Internationals must be able to provide an effective and coherent sanctions policy against aggressor organizations. It is important to establish clear criteria for the application of sanctions, as well as mechanisms for monitoring their implementation. Political tools such as diplomatic pressure and negotiations must also be used effectively to achieve a peaceful conflict. In today's digital world, cyber security is becoming integral to security policy. International organizations should jointly develop strategies and create mechanisms to protect critical information systems in Europe from cyber-attacks. The Russian-Ukrainian war showed that hybrid warfare has become one of the key tools of aggression. International organizations should develop strategies and mechanisms to detect, counter and prevent hybrid threats such as disinformation, cyber-attacks, economic pressure, and destabilization. The study emphasizes the importance of improving European international security policy after the Russian-Ukrainian war. Strengthening of defense capabilities, cooperation of international organizations, effective use of sanctions and political tools, improvement of cyber security and fight against hybrid warfare are only some of the areas that need attention. The recommendations of the study can serve as a basis for the development of political strategies and decision-making to ensure increased security and stability in Europe after the war.
міжнародна безпекова політика, Європа, російсько-українська війна, зміцнення обороноздатності, співпраця міжнародних організацій, санкції, кібербезпека, гібридна війна, Організація з безпеки і співробітництва в Європі, Європейський Союз, НАТО, ООН, розділ монографії, international security policy, Europe, Russian-Ukrainian war, strengthening of defense capabilities, cooperation of international organizations, sanctions, cyber security, hybrid war, OSCE, EU, NATO, UN
Гнатків В. Основні напрями вдосконалення міжнародної безпекової політики в контексті російсько-української війни / Василь Гнатків // Public policy, governance and communications in the EU member states and candidate countries : post-conference monograph / [V. Burksiene et al. ; gen. ed. by G. Riabtsev and V. Tertychka] ; National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy [et al.]. - Kyiv : NaUKMA, 2023. - С. 169-185.