Рецензія на: Максим Яременко. Перед викликами уніфікації та дисциплінування: Київська православна митрополія у XVIII столітті. - Львів : Видавництво УКУ, 2017. - 272 с.

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Волошин, Юрій
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Рецензія на книгу: "Максим Яременко. Перед викликами уніфікації та дисциплінування: Київська православна митрополія у XVIII столітті. - Львів : Видавництво УКУ, 2017. - 272 с.".
The main research problem of the next book of Maksym Yaremenko published as the fourth volume of the series “Kyiv Christianity” and newly initiated by Ukrainian Catholic University is the incorporation of the Kyiv Orthodox Metropolitanate into the newly formed unified imperial Synodal Church. As in his previous monograph, the researcher substantially corrects the cliched stereotypes formed in Ukrainian historiography under the influence of the so-called “national paradigm”. In this case, he deals with a rather firmly rooted statement that after the subordination change of the Kyiv Metropolitanate from Constantinople to Moscow in 1686, the church life in Ukraine was rebuilt according to the Moscow model, and all the “national” traditions were destroyed. The researcher refutes it empirically, by carefully examining the inner life of the church, as well as trying to answer a question that nobody seems to have asked before: how successful were the qualitative transformation processes of Ukrainian Church into a part of the Synodal Church? Relatively small in volume, 272 pages, the book includes a list of abbreviations, introduction, four sections, conclusions, bibliography, and indexes. In the introduction, Maksym Yaremenko explains what was Kyiv Orthodox Metropolitanate in the analyzed period and substantiates the need for clarification and sometimes even a radical revision of the existing interpretation of history course in the 18th century. In the author’s opinion, there are at least two reasons behind this: firstly, when researching the problem, it should be considered that all changes that took place in the metropolitan area were the result of Synodal innovations. However, as the researcher notes, they often coincided with the rules that even Petro Mohyla attempted to introduce, which, obviously, can be explained by the presence of hantle hierarchs of Ukrainian origin in the leadership of the Synodal Church. The second essential reason is that the Uniate and the Orthodox bishopric on both sides of the Dnieper experienced quite similar problems in the disciplining of both clergy and laity.
Київська православна митрополія, синодальна Церква, рецензія
Волошин Ю. В. Рецензія на: Максим Яременко. Перед викликами уніфікації та дисциплінування: Київська православна митрополія у XVIII столітті. - Львів : Видавництво УКУ, 2017. - 272 с. / Волошин Ю. В. // Наукові записки НаУКМА. Історичні науки. - 2018. - Т. 1. - С. 94-99.