Місцевий цивільний контроль за використанням публічного ресурсу поліції
Іщенко, Юрій
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У статті досліджено механізм цивільного контролю за діяльністю Національної поліції на місцевому рівні організації публічної влади. Проаналізовано види та обсяг публічного ресурсу, який використовує Національна поліція. Розглянуто особливості взаємодії територіальних органів Національної поліції з органами місцевого самоврядування та місцевими органами виконавчої влади. Визначено проблемні аспекти організації демократичного цивільного контролю за діяльністю
Національної поліції. Надано пропозиції щодо удосконалення організації цивільного контролю органів місцевого самоврядування за ефективністю використання публічного ресурсу органами Національної поліції.
The National Police (NP) is a part of public authority of Ukraine. The NP is granted by proper resources to exercise their tasks. These resources can be aimed as public resource since they are directed for provision of state body activity. Therefore, the distinction between local and not local police can be made by analyzing the police’s resources and the police’s responsibilities for their use. In case of the local police , the community should take part in financing and maintenance supply of the police. Local authorities must make a decision on disposal of resources at the local level. Police should be responsible for rational, efficient, and truthful use of these resources in the interests of the community. The community must control the activity of the local police without interference in its operative searching, criminal-procedural, and administrative activity. Research of the problems of the local police in Ukraine is hardly possible without understanding the peculiarity of power’s activity and the police activity in Ukraine. The author analyzes the types and amount of public resources distributed through the NP. The resource can be understood as everything which is needed for people. Public resource must be understood as different objects which citizens have passed to the public authority to exercise its functions. These resources include: logistical facilities (buildings, machines, etc.); financial resources (budget tools, shares, stocks, etc.); human resources (public service); legal resources (power, law); information; natural and others. The administration of the resources is understood as purposeful influence on the system to provide its effective functioning and development. The paper examines the features of the civil control of public resources in the interests of the society and local authority. It is proposed to review the mechanism of public resources by eliminating NP activity.
The National Police (NP) is a part of public authority of Ukraine. The NP is granted by proper resources to exercise their tasks. These resources can be aimed as public resource since they are directed for provision of state body activity. Therefore, the distinction between local and not local police can be made by analyzing the police’s resources and the police’s responsibilities for their use. In case of the local police , the community should take part in financing and maintenance supply of the police. Local authorities must make a decision on disposal of resources at the local level. Police should be responsible for rational, efficient, and truthful use of these resources in the interests of the community. The community must control the activity of the local police without interference in its operative searching, criminal-procedural, and administrative activity. Research of the problems of the local police in Ukraine is hardly possible without understanding the peculiarity of power’s activity and the police activity in Ukraine. The author analyzes the types and amount of public resources distributed through the NP. The resource can be understood as everything which is needed for people. Public resource must be understood as different objects which citizens have passed to the public authority to exercise its functions. These resources include: logistical facilities (buildings, machines, etc.); financial resources (budget tools, shares, stocks, etc.); human resources (public service); legal resources (power, law); information; natural and others. The administration of the resources is understood as purposeful influence on the system to provide its effective functioning and development. The paper examines the features of the civil control of public resources in the interests of the society and local authority. It is proposed to review the mechanism of public resources by eliminating NP activity.
публічний ресурс, Національна поліція, цивільний контроль, органи місцевого самоврядування, mechanism of public resources, local authority, стаття
Іщенко Ю. В. Місцевий цивільний контроль за використанням публічного ресурсу поліції / Іщенко Ю. В. // Наукові записки НаУКМА. Юридичні науки. - 2017. - Т. 200. - С. 105-108.