Слово про науковця
Бернацька, Юлія
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Подано короткий життєпис Петра Iвановича Голода, фiзика-теоретика, добре вiдомого в Українi
та за її межами. Працюючи в теорiї iнтегровних систем, вiн досконало володiв теорiєю алгебр i груп
Лi та їх представлень i мав глибоке розумiння всього комплексу проблем теоретичної фiзики, тож мiг
ставити i розв’язувати фiзичнi задачi за допомогою згаданого математичного апарату. Його ерудицiя
викликала захоплення. Водночас вiн умiв i прагнув передавати свої знання молодому поколiнню, що
привело його в Києво-Могилянську академiю, де протягом майже двадцяти рокiв вiн завiдував кафедрою
фiзико-математичних наук.
A short biography of Petro Holod, a theoretical physicist noted in Ukraine and beyond is given. Working in the theory of integrable systems, he knew the theory of Lie algebras and groups perfectly, and was deeply involved into theoretical physics, so he was able to set and solve physical problems by means of the mentioned mathematical apparatus. His erudition delighted everyone. At the same time he was good at and tended to teaching, that brings him to Kyiv-Mohyla Academy where he was a head of the Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences for nearly twenty years.
A short biography of Petro Holod, a theoretical physicist noted in Ukraine and beyond is given. Working in the theory of integrable systems, he knew the theory of Lie algebras and groups perfectly, and was deeply involved into theoretical physics, so he was able to set and solve physical problems by means of the mentioned mathematical apparatus. His erudition delighted everyone. At the same time he was good at and tended to teaching, that brings him to Kyiv-Mohyla Academy where he was a head of the Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences for nearly twenty years.
теорiя симетрiй, групи та алгебри Лi, theory of symmetry, Lie groups and algebras
Бернацька Ю. М. Слово про науковця / Бернацька Ю. М. // Наукові записки НаУКМА. - 2014. - Т. 152 : Фізико-математичні науки. - С. 3-6.