Ornidazol-based application sorbent with nano silica and its antimicrobial activity

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Bilyayeva, Olga
Karol, Ivan
Demianenko, Eugeniy
Gaidai, Alina
Kryzhevskyi, Yevhenii
Vakuliuk, Polina
Golub, Alexander
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The aim: To investigate the effect of application sorbent based on ornidazole with nanosilicon in experiment and clinic. Materials and methods: In order to study the effectiveness of the Ornidasil application sorbent for the treatment of purulent wounds, we conducted an experimental study in rats. Also, we studied the effectiveness of the Ornidasil in the clinic for the treatment of patients with diabetic foot syndrome and to prevent the suppuration of postoperative wounds in patients with purulent peritonitis in toxic and terminal stages. Results: The formation of active substance complexes with hydroxylated matrices is due to hydrogen bonds between the oxygen atom of the silanol group of the silica surface and the hydrogen atom of the alcohol group of the ornidazole molecule. This promotes the gradual release of ornidazole from the surface of such a matrix into the wound exudate. Thus, on day 13, 9 experimental rats of group I healed completely, 11 rats had a small wound surface, complete healing occurred on day 15. We also investigated the effectiveness Ornidasil in the clinic. In the comparison group, postoperative wound suppuration occurred in 6 patients (31.6%), and in the main group - in 3 patients (12.5%). Conclusions: A study of the effectiveness Ornidasil in the complex treatment of Diabetic foot syndrome showed that in the experimental groups, wound healing occurred 1.6 -1.9 times faster. The use of polyurethane wound protector in combination with Ornidasil reduced the suppuration of postoperative wounds in patients of the main group by 2.5 times relative to patients in the comparison group.
ornidazole, nano silica, hybrid nanocomposites, quantum chemical calculations, in vivo therapeutic effect, clinical study, article
Ornidazol-based application sorbent with nano silica and its antimicrobial activity / Olga Bilyayeva, Ivan Karol, Eugeniy Demianenko, Alina Gaidai, Yevhenii Kryzhevskyi, Polina Vakuliuk, Alexander Golub // Wiadomosci lekarskie. - 2023. - Vol. 76, Issue 6. - P. 1347-1358. - https://doi.org/10.36740/WLek202306104