МИ vs. Я і ТИ: групова та індивідуальна ідентичність у драмах Лесі Українки
Жуйкова, Маргарита
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У статті обговорено проблему вибору між використанням займенника множинності МИ та аналогічних за референцією займенникових груп (Я і ТИ, Я і ВІН, МИ З ТОБОЮ та ін.) у драмах Лесі Українки. Показано, що авторка віддає перевагу розчленованим займенниковим групам у тих випадках, коли їй важливо уникнути групової ідентичності персонажів, досягнути їх індивідуалізації, акцентувати на опозитивності героїв.
Background. The pronoun WE, in contrast to I, requires a certain effort
from the participant of communication in order to recognize who exactly,
apart from the speaker, is included in a specific WE-group. From the standpoint of reference theory, the pronoun WE is equivalent to the constructions I and YOU, I and HE, etc., however, the author of the work may prefer one of these ways. Сontribution to there search field. The research results, that are published in the article, enable us to display a wider view of the semantic and referential potential of the personal pronoun WE that functions as a marker of group or character identification. The purpose of the article is to identify the reference of the pronoun WE and similar pronoun groups in the speech of Lesya Ukrainka’s characters, as well as to clarify the factors that influenced the choice of a particular pronominal construction. The applied research method is a contextual-referential analysis of the pronoun WE and other pronoun groups. The main results of the study. Lesya Ukrainka uses the pronoun WE with an inclusive meaning (the speaker and his listener) and with an exclusive meaning (the speaker and a third person, except the listener) in the replicas of the characters. Both types of WE-groups can be decoded by involving information about both language and extralinguistic reality. In order to clearly indicate a certain group of characters, Lesya Ukrainka uses disjointed pronoun constructions such as I and YOU, I and HE, sometimes adding a noun after WE (we and my brother, we and Maecenas). Each case of segmented usage is associated with the need to precisely outline the content of the WE-group. Discussion. Lesya Ukrainka uses disjointed pronoun constructions in cases where she wants to avoid the group identity of her characters, to show that the characters have individual traits, aspirations, and worldview guidelines. The author masterfully uses the referential potential of first-person pronouns, adapting them to express the most complex artistic intentions.
інтерпретація, референція, особові займенники, інклюзивне та ексклюзивне МИ, ідентичність, Леся Українка, стаття, interpretation, reference, personal pronouns, inclusive and exclusive WE, identity, Lesya Ukrainka
Жуйкова М. В. МИ vs. Я і ТИ: групова та індивідуальна ідентичність у драмах Лесі Українки / Маргарита Жуйкова (Marharyta Zhuikova) // Мова: класичне - модерне - постмодерне. - 2022. - Вип. 8. - С. 171-186. - https://doi.org/10.18523/lcmp2522-9281.2022.8.171-186