Сучасні аспекти підготовки юристів (спеціалістів, магістрів) та післядипломне навчання

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Гіжевський, Володимир
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Видавничий дім "KM Academia"
Матеріал виступу на Міжнародній конференції "Практичні проблеми юридичної освіти України в контексті європейської інтеграції", Київ, Україна, 20 вересня 2001 р.
The acquisition of sovereignty, democratization of all social relations and spread of market relations and entrepreneurship have created conditions and novel forms for exercising one of the major constitutional principles: the right to education. At the same time the current practice of organizing higher legal education has enlighten the problems to be solved. Alongside with the analysis of today's stale of legal education the author makes his proposals as follows: 1. To take in commercial institutions certain coordinating measures so as to work out a set of requirements to the teaching of compulsory subjects in traditional legal specializations, i.e. the requirements to the total amount of academic time, course programmes approved by the Ministry of Education and Science (MES), and programmes drawn up by independent branches of the law enforcement system with compulsory approval thereof by the authorities responsible for education and science. 2. The requirements of the moment in the light of up-to-date spheres of enterprenenship specify the occurrence of new specializations in legal education which however are possible to materialize exclusively on the basis of a major legal specialization. 3. The developmental prospects of legal education in Ukraine are connected with strategic problems of the teaching force. Democratization and decentralization of legal education in the transitional period create positive prerequisites for the renewal of higher educational institutions. However, the actions by the state bodies (mostly prohibitions) together with an additional requirement to leave out of account pluralistic teachers brake down the advancement of master's and postgraduate education. At the same time the Ukrainian-Dutch project "Double diploma" founded by the Institute of Economics and Law "KROK", the Amsterdam Institute of Educational Management and the Newport International University works quite differently providing professional training to nearly 18000 students. The involvement of the Dutch, American and Polish professors is rather free. The key requirement is the quality of education. It is the author s opinion that the joint work to give further quality to the teaching of law profession and democratization of this process will grow up the new generation of lawyers.
право на навчання, юридична освіта, післядипломне навчання, магістратура, якість навчання, матеріали конференції
Гіжевський В. К. Сучасні аспекти підготовки юристів (спеціалістів, магістрів) та післядипломне навчання / Володимир Гіжевський // Практичні проблеми юридичної освіти України в контексті європейської інтеграції : матеріали Міжнародної конференції, Київ, Україна, 20 вересня 2001 р. : виступи та доповіді учасників = Practical problems of legal education of Ukraine in the context of European integration / Нац. ун-т "Києво-Могилянська Академія" ; М-во у справах міжнародного розвитку Великої Британії. - Київ : Видавничий дім "KM Academia", 2001. - С. 43-46.