"…Добиться разрешения на выезд из России евреев": из истории отношений еврейской Палестины и СССР в годы Второй мировой войны
Агапов, Михаил
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Накануне Второй мировой войны положение “еврейского государства в пути” резко ухудшилось. Белая книга Макдональда, которую
23 мая 1939 г. утвердил британский парламент, подвела черту под англо-сионистским сотрудничеством, которое началось двадцать два года
назад провозглашением декларации Бальфура. Теперь развитие “еврейского национального очага” зависело не от “экономической емкости
страны”, как прежде, а от согласия арабского населения Палестины. В
ответ на английский демарш Сионистская организация (далее СО) начала налаживать нелегальную иммиграцию евреев в Палестину – ѓаапалу (ивр. “дерзание”). Основной поток нелегальных иммигрантов шел
из Германии и стран Восточной Европы, прежде всего Польши, Венгрии
и Румынии, где проживала четверть мирового еврейства. Однако из-за
раздела Польши между СССР и Германией в соответствии с секретным
протоколом пакта Молотова–Риббентропа в сентябре 1939 г., а также
и из-за присоединения к СССР прибалтийских государств, Бессарабии
и Северной Буковины в июне 1940 г. сионистское движение лишилось
массовой базы, и его организационные структуры в Восточной Европе
The first diplomatic contacts between Jewish Palestine and the USSR occured during World War II. The Soviet–Zionist cooperation based on the common fight against Nazism contributed to the development of their comprehensive interaction. Some Zionist leaders considered that under these circumstances the ideological difference between Communism and Zionism could be bridged. From the point of view of the Jewish Palestine leadership, the most important aspect of the Soviet–Zionist dialogue was the issue of granting the right to emigrate to Soviet Jewish. However, the Soviet government turned down all Zionist proposals of this matter. A compromise was achieved only with respect to stateless Jewish refugees who had been evicted from the occupied Poland to “the area of Soviet interests” by the German army in 1939. Large portions of these Jewish refugees left the USSR into Anders army in 1942–1943. The leaders of Jewish Palestine were unable to achive any of the tasks set with regard to Moscow on the whole: the Soviet government refused the Zionist Organization to effectuate activity in the USSR; did not allow to propagandize any information about Jewish Palestine among Soviet Jewish and adamantly refused to discuss the permission to leave the USSR for Soviet Jewry.
The first diplomatic contacts between Jewish Palestine and the USSR occured during World War II. The Soviet–Zionist cooperation based on the common fight against Nazism contributed to the development of their comprehensive interaction. Some Zionist leaders considered that under these circumstances the ideological difference between Communism and Zionism could be bridged. From the point of view of the Jewish Palestine leadership, the most important aspect of the Soviet–Zionist dialogue was the issue of granting the right to emigrate to Soviet Jewish. However, the Soviet government turned down all Zionist proposals of this matter. A compromise was achieved only with respect to stateless Jewish refugees who had been evicted from the occupied Poland to “the area of Soviet interests” by the German army in 1939. Large portions of these Jewish refugees left the USSR into Anders army in 1942–1943. The leaders of Jewish Palestine were unable to achive any of the tasks set with regard to Moscow on the whole: the Soviet government refused the Zionist Organization to effectuate activity in the USSR; did not allow to propagandize any information about Jewish Palestine among Soviet Jewish and adamantly refused to discuss the permission to leave the USSR for Soviet Jewry.
история, Вторая мировая война, Палестина, СССР, внешняя политика, евреи, выезд, Россия, дипломатические контакты, статья
Агапов М. "…Добиться разрешения на выезд из России евреев": из истории отношений еврейской Палестины и СССР в годы Второй мировой войны / Михаил Агапов // Judaica Ukrainica : Annual Journal of Jewish Studies. - 2012. - Vol. 1. - P. 182-200.