Концепт лабіринту як сакрального локусу (на прикладі новелістики Х. Л. Борхеса, романів У. Еко "Ім'я Рози" та К. Мост "Лабіринт")
Набитович, Ігор
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Художня проза ХХ-ХХІ ст. демонструє цілий спектр представлення концепту лабіринту як
сакрального простору, який охороняє певну таємницю, формує особливий сакрохронотоп художнього
твору й дає можливість міто-ритуальної мандрівки у діяхронічному та синхронному вимірі,
їх перетинах, взаємовпливах та взаємодоповненнях. Усі ці сакрохронотопні характеристики декларуються
у новелах Хорхе Люїса Борхеса й романах Умберто Еко "Ім’я рози" та Кейт Мосс
The fi ction of the 20th and 21st centuries demonstrates the whole spectrum of the labyrinth concept as a sacred space. This space guards a certain secret, forms special/sacred time and place (chronotope) continuity of the work of fiction, and provides the possibility for a mythical-ritual journey in a diachronic and synchronic perspective, including their interaction, and mutual influence and completion of each other. The article outlines the formation of the labyrinth image as the sacred locus of the fiction of the 20th and 21st centuries, as shown in the short stories by Jorge Luis Borges, and in the novels The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco and Labyrinth by Kate Moss. The image of the labyrinth-librart is formed in the prose of Borges and Eco, and of the labyrinth in which the Grail is kept, in K.Moss.
The fi ction of the 20th and 21st centuries demonstrates the whole spectrum of the labyrinth concept as a sacred space. This space guards a certain secret, forms special/sacred time and place (chronotope) continuity of the work of fiction, and provides the possibility for a mythical-ritual journey in a diachronic and synchronic perspective, including their interaction, and mutual influence and completion of each other. The article outlines the formation of the labyrinth image as the sacred locus of the fiction of the 20th and 21st centuries, as shown in the short stories by Jorge Luis Borges, and in the novels The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco and Labyrinth by Kate Moss. The image of the labyrinth-librart is formed in the prose of Borges and Eco, and of the labyrinth in which the Grail is kept, in K.Moss.
лабіринт, сакрохронотоп, сакральне, Бібліотека, Всесвіт, теменос, бібліотека-лабіринт, стаття, labyrinth, sacred chronotop, sacred, Library, Universe, temenos, labyrinth-library