Сіґрід Унсет та її головні романи
Рудич, Вікторія
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Статтю присвячено одній із трьох нобелівських лауреатів норвезької літератури – письменниці
Сіґрід Унсет та огляду її головних романів. Сіґрід Унсет розвивала жанр родинної саги, зображуючи
сучасність крізь призму Середньовіччя ХІІІ століття північної Норвегії. Роман-трилогія «Крістін,
дочка Лавранса» – яскравий приклад історичного родинного роману, який демонструє зміну
сімейного та суспільного укладу на тлі середньовічної доби. За цей твір письменниця удостоїлася
найвищої літературної нагороди – Нобелівської премії.
The article deals with Sigrid Undset, one of the three Nobel Prize winners of Norwegian literature, and reviews her main novels. Sigrid Undset is one of the famous writers in Scandinavia and Northern Europe, but because her novels were not translated, she is still unknown in Ukraine. The author lived during the Second World War and became an example of a strong individuality and powerful writer. Sigrid Undset began as a writer of novels on women’s life and their position in society. She continued and developed the genre of family saga, describing the modern Norway through the prism of the Middle Ages of the thirteenth century in Northern Norway. The trilogy “Kristin, Lavrans’ Daughter” is one of the main novels of Undset and a vivid example of historical family novel that demonstrates the social and the family changes in the structure of society in the Middle Ages. This novel describes the life of a woman who lived in a typical patriarchal family in Northern Norway and changed her position from a dependent person into a powerful and independent one. For this novel, the writer won the highest literary award, the Nobel Prize, and was included in the canon of Norwegian literature. The genre of family saga is one of oldest genres in Scandinavian literature, and at the same time, one of the most popular one even in the 21st century. The works of Sigrid Undset have produced a great influence on contemporary Norwegian literature, and nowadays we can see a new interpretation of historical themes and the genre of family saga in novels of Vera Henriksen and Tom Egeland.
The article deals with Sigrid Undset, one of the three Nobel Prize winners of Norwegian literature, and reviews her main novels. Sigrid Undset is one of the famous writers in Scandinavia and Northern Europe, but because her novels were not translated, she is still unknown in Ukraine. The author lived during the Second World War and became an example of a strong individuality and powerful writer. Sigrid Undset began as a writer of novels on women’s life and their position in society. She continued and developed the genre of family saga, describing the modern Norway through the prism of the Middle Ages of the thirteenth century in Northern Norway. The trilogy “Kristin, Lavrans’ Daughter” is one of the main novels of Undset and a vivid example of historical family novel that demonstrates the social and the family changes in the structure of society in the Middle Ages. This novel describes the life of a woman who lived in a typical patriarchal family in Northern Norway and changed her position from a dependent person into a powerful and independent one. For this novel, the writer won the highest literary award, the Nobel Prize, and was included in the canon of Norwegian literature. The genre of family saga is one of oldest genres in Scandinavian literature, and at the same time, one of the most popular one even in the 21st century. The works of Sigrid Undset have produced a great influence on contemporary Norwegian literature, and nowadays we can see a new interpretation of historical themes and the genre of family saga in novels of Vera Henriksen and Tom Egeland.
Сіґрід Унсет, родинна сага, роман-трилогія "Крістін, дочка Лавранса", Нобелівська премія, норвезьке Середньовіччя, Sigrid Undset, family saga, the novel Kristin, Lavrans’ Daughter, Nobel Prize, Norwegian Middle Ages
Рудич Вікторія Олександрівна. Сіґрід Унсет та її головні романи / Рудич В. О. // Магістеріум. Літературознавчі студії. - 2017. - Вип. 69. - С. 93-95.