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    Narrative writing for emotional well-being: a case study into enhancing students’ language skills and resilience
    (2024) Fedoriv, Yaroslava; Pirozhenko, Iryna; Fedoriv, Mariya
    In the current global world, marked by unprecedented crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical conflicts, the educational landscape has undergone significant changes, necessitating innovative approaches to support teaching and learning. This article aims to examine the dual benefits of narrative writing for students learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in crisis conditions, focusing on their linguistic development alongside psychological stability. Backed up by contemporary studies on the healing potential of narrative writing, the research hypothesis holds that narrative writing as a pedagogical tool not only facilitates EFL skills development by enhancing vocabulary, grammar, and overall language proficiency but also plays a crucial role in fostering resilience among students facing adversities. The article draws on the case study methodology to examine how narrative writing aids in building coping mechanisms, self-efficacy, and emotional well-being, thus reinforcing the students’ ability to overcome hardships. The findings suggest that through crafting and sharing personal narratives, students are provided with beneficial conditions for emotional expression, which is particularly vital in terms of stress relief during times of crisis. Given its therapeutic potential, the study advocates for reinforcing narrative writing in the ELF curricula and embedding resilience-building narratives in EFL classrooms to both support the students’ language acquisition and nurture their emotional health. Accounting for possible challenges and limitations, the paper underscores the importance of holistic educational practices, including intellectual, psychological, social, and ethical dimensions while addressing both cognitive and emotional needs of the students and emotimately contributing to creating a balanced and inclusive educational environment that assures not just academic achievements but also personal growth, well-being, and overall life skills.
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    A content analysis software system for efficient monitoring and detection of hate speech in online media
    (2023) Krylova-Grek, Yuliya; Burov, Oleksandr
    This paper presents the results of interdisciplinary project that is a combination of computer program and psycholinguistic approach to media study. In the research we presented the programs that can be used for monitoring and analysis of media content to identify hate speech at its early stage. The aims of research were the following: 1) develop content analysis program for monitoring Russian media outlets; 2) apply the psycholinguistic approach for identifying hidden and manipulative hate speech. In the research there were used two types of content-analysis: quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative content analysis was conducted with computer program that was developed to select publication that could have contained hate speech. For qualitative content analysis the psycholinguistic method of text analysis was used. The method applies for identification methods and tolls that journalists use to incriminate hidden and manipulative hate speech. It is hypothesized that programs of content-analysis help to optimize work and makes it less time-consuming and more effective for analyst, journalists and other specialists who involved into media study. Methods. Quantitative content analysis, psycholinguistic method of qualitative content-analysis. Quantitative content analysis was developed with Python programming language. The publications were selected according to the key words, periods of search (month) and the name of outlet. The list of key words includes words that are used in media for discrimination, dehumanization, and marginalization of objects of hate. Implementation such a program helped to reduce time of monitoring of media outlets. The qualitative content-analysis was conducted with the authors’ psycholinguistic method of text analysis that can be applied for analyzing media texts. The programs of content analysis were applied within the project "Hate Speech in Online Media Publicizing Events in Crimea". The results were published in a data analysis report on spreading the hate speech in the Russian language media communicating the armed Ukraine – Russia conflict and events related to it in Crimea on a regular base (December 2020 – May 2021). The research showed that the content analysis programs used in the project are useful tools for systematizing and processing data in humanities research and can be used by a wide range of specialist who have deal with collection and processing of information (media, communication, human rights and so on).
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    Soviet ideological and puritanical censorship of Ukrainian literary translations
    (2024) Rudnytska, Nataliia
    The article explores censorship of literary translations in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialistic Republic, delineating political and ideological modes and demonstrating the ideological underpinning of the puritanical mode. It describes the censorial system in the Ukrainian SSR as determined by the general goal of Soviet censorship and the local context. It then examines the censorship practices on the textual level in Ukrainian translations of novels by British and North American authors and highlights the variability of translations of the Soviet period. The aim of this article is to dwell on the category of ideological censorship in the Soviet context, to demonstrate the censorial tactics employed by this kind of censorship in Ukrainian translations, and to highlight the differences between the Ukrainian and Russian translations of the Soviet period. Censorship had a multifaceted impact on translated literature in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR; Baer 2022; Blium 2008; Rudnytska 2022; Sherry 2015; Witt 2011). Although in different "Soviet republics" it had the identical goal, its tasks also depended on local contexts, as it was in the Baltic States (Maskaliūnienė and Juršėnaitė 2023; Monticelli and Lange 2014) and Ukraine (Strilkha 2006; Kalnychenko and Kolomiyets 2022). However, the system of ideological censorship of literary translations in the Ukrainian SSR (UkSSR) has not been sufficiently studied. Besides, "the terminological confusion associated with "ideology" could not but influence the examining of the expression of ideology in translation (Faucett and Munday 2009, 137), and there is still a certain ambiguity associated with the ideological vs. political factors in the research of censorship of literary translations of the Soviet period. The case studies below, based on Ukrainian and Russian translations of novels by the British and North American authors John Galsworthy, Jack London, J. D. Salinger, Theodor Dreiser, and Ernest Hemingway which were available in the UkSSR, will focus on censorship practices on the textual level, including the use of ideologemes and the excision, substitution, or addition of fragments of text.
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    Hate Speech in Online Media Publicizing Events in Crimea : a data analysis report on spreading the hate speech in the Russian language media communicating the armed Ukraine – Russia conflict and events related to it in Crimea on a regular base (December 2020 – May 2021)
    (2022) Krylova-Grek, Yuliya; Siedova, Iryna; Budzar, Maryna
    The report presents the results of studies and content analysis of Russian-language online media available to readers of the occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas. The materials used in the document were published in these online media from December 1, 2020, to May 31, 2021. The report uses media materials distributed across the territory of Crimea since the occupation of the peninsula by the Russian Federation, as well as information from open sources, including information resources of the authorities of Ukraine, the Russian Federation and the de facto "authorities" of Crimea, and the Crimean Human Rights Group. The study target audience is representatives of media community, governmental authorities, educational and research institutions, diplomatic missions, and international organizations as well as non-governmental, including human rights. The Crimean Human Rights Group (CHRG) is an organization of Crimean human rights defenders and journalists aimed at supporting the respect and protection of human rights in Crimea by documenting violations of human rights and international humanitarian law on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula, and attracting a wide attention to such problems, as well as at searching and developing mechanisms for the protection of human rights in Crimea. The CHRG team includes experts, human rights defenders and journalists who, since February 2014, have been involved in monitoring and documenting human rights violations in Crimea. The CHRG focuses on human rights violations caused by the illegal actions of the Russian Federation in Crimea. The results of CHRG1 monitoring and documenting violations of human rights are presented in monthly reviews of human rights situation in Crimea as well as in ad hoc reports and articles.
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    Decoding Resilience: A Linguistic Exploration of Motivational Constructs in Survey Responses
    (AVIAZ, 2023) Fedoriv, Yaroslava; Shuhai, Alla; Pirozhenko, Iryna
    The study of motivation-related language is crucial due to its role as a tool for expression and influence, shaping communicants' motivations, choices, and outcomes. This paper explores the connection between language, motivation, and resilience, focusing on defining the notion of resilience based on a survey consisting of resilience-related questions and involving university student respondents. The proposal investigates how linguistic cues in survey responses contribute to defining resilience, identifies key motivation-related language patterns, and explores variations in linguistic cues across different academic subgroups, with the goal of enhancing our understanding of language's role in defining resilience for practical implications in research and pedagogical interventions.
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    Empirical Foundations of Defining Notions: A Survey Based Methodology
    (AVIAZ, 2023) Fedoriv, Yaroslava; Zhukorska, Liudmyla
    This research explores empirical methods in defining linguistic notions, drawing insights from recent literature on diverse approaches to understanding complex linguistic units. It focuses on identifying key features, including cognitive dimensions, linguistic verbalization, and cultural/historical references. Addressing challenges in defining word meanings, the study emphasizes the adaptability of survey methods, guided by insights from a comprehensive literature review highlighting the pivotal role of empirical research in unveiling linguistic data and understanding language use and cognition. The paper methodically describes participant selection, data collection, and the design of empirical research instruments. The data analysis combines quantitative analysis via Google Forms for closed questions and qualitative content analysis for open-ended questions, resulting in a nuanced understanding of participants' responses and contributing to a holistic exploration of defined linguistic notions.
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    Patriotic education paradigm in Ukraine
    (Scientific research in the modern world : proceedings of V International scientific and practical conference, Toronto, Canada, 9-11 March 2023, 2023) Balatska, Natalia; Lutkovska, Nataliia
    The paper deals with various aspects of patriotic education at secondary and higher educational establishments of Ukraine. The study analyses the latest regulations related to the national patriotic doctrine, compares the results of their implementation at the secondary and tertiary level of education and provides illustrations of patriotic education in different countries.
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    The rhetoric of resilience in Ukrainian academia
    (Science and innovation of modern world : proceedings of IX International Scientific and Practical Conference London, United Kingdom, 18-20 May 2023, 2023) Fedoriv, Yaroslava; Finogina, Tetiana; Pirozhenko, Iryna; Shuhai, Alla
    This paper examines how the language of resilience promotes learner motivation during crises, like pandemics or armed conflicts. Specifically, during quarantine or wartime, utilising the language of resilience in education proves quite effective. Related communicative strategies include highlighting education's importance, fostering perseverance, cultivating a growth mindset, celebrating small accomplishments, and providing support. Stylistic devices like metaphor, repetition, anaphora, and parallelism enhance the message. By applying these tools in academic discourse and crafting persuasive messages, educators can inspire learners to overcome adversity, maintain motivation, and develop the resilience needed to face challenges.
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    Англійська для незламних: концепція пілотного курсу іноземної мови для студентів вищих навчальних закладів України в кризових умовах
    (Innovations and prospects in modern science : proceedings of VII International Scientific and Practical Conference Stockholm, Sweden 3-5 July 2023, 2023) Федорів, Ярослава; Піроженко, Ірина; Шугай, Алла; Щенявська, Алла
    Мета дослідження полягала в перевірці робочої гіпотези щодо негативного впливу кризових умов на мотивацію здобувачів освіти до навчання, встановленні зв'язків між зовнішніми факторами — такими як пандемія, війна, дистанційний формат навчання — та внутрішньою мотивацією студентів, описі та поясненні супутніх явищ на основі об'єктивних спостережень і отриманих фактів.
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    Insights into human vs AI discourse production
    (2023) Fedoriv, Yaroslava; Pirozhenko, Iryna; Shuhai, Alla
    This research aims to explore linguistic tools and identify features distinguishing human and AI discourse in order to preserve human creativity in communication, ensure fair text attribution, and gain insights into the implications for EFL proficiency assessment.
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    Linguo-Cognitive Markers in Human vs AI Text Attribution: A Case Study of Narrative and Descriptive Discourse
    (Актуальнi питання гуманiтарних наук, 2023) Fedoriv, Yaroslava; Shuhai, Alla; Pirozhenko, Іryna
    This research aims to investigate and compare writing strategies in human-generated and AI-generated texts, focusing on linguistic features and identifying indicators that distinguish between the two. The paper examines the role of discourse markers as indicators of text authorship, focusing on thematic comparisons between parallel texts created by humans and artificial intelligence. The article follows the conventional structure including Introduction, Literature Review, Research Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, and Supplement. From the viewpoint of creating English texts by non-native speakers, using discourse markers to determine the origin of texts emphasises the relevance and novelty of the research. A distinct advantage of the study lies in the identification of similarities and differences between texts produced by human writers and artificial intelligence, exemplified through narrative and descriptive texts. Investigating linguistic features and cognitive markers in these texts illuminates the nuances of literary discourse functioning and contributes to a balanced understanding of the impact of information technologies on various communication domains. The conclusions highlight prospects for research in the coexistence of and interaction between human creativity and artificial intelligence technologies. Ultimately, the research offers a fresh perspective on discourse markers and their role in discourse construction and functioning. It identifies characteristic features of narrative and descriptive texts created by humans and artificial intelligence. The obtained results enrich the understanding of linguistic and cognitive markers in discourse creation, especially in the context of rapid technological advancements in the field of artificial intelligence.
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    Paragraph writing: a way to structure students' mindset in written and oral utterance
    (2023) Pirozhenko, Іryna; Semyankiv, Iryna; Shuhai, Alla
    The article states that the skill of writing a paragraph is a primary task in the process of successfully mastering educational bachelor programs as preparation for academic activities, namely written and oral. Professional experience shows that the lack of ability to build an opinion, using the appropriate linguistic structures and techniques of the English language, can become a challenge. The authors analyse this issue and offer ways to overcome the use of linguistic template models of the Ukrainian language for oral or written utterance in English.
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    Professional English. Applied Mathematics : навчальний посібник
    (НАУ, 2023) Акмалдінова, Олександра; Гурська, Олена; Теремінко, Лариса; Денисенко, Наталія; Сорокун, Ганна
    The manual on the discipline "Professional Foreign Language" for higher education applicants of the specialty 113 "Applied Mathematics", the educational degree "Bachelor" is intended for auditorium, self-study, and individual work of students under the guidance of a lecturer. The purpose of the manual is to teach the future information technology specialists the basics of professional communication in English, to develop stable skills of reading, translating, annotating, abstracting special technical literature to obtain and use information necessary for their future practical activities. The manual consists of four units devoted to studying professionally oriented issues and contains various types of communicative vocabulary and grammar exercises arranged in a logical sequence with increasing complexity to ensure effective learning. The grammar section of each unit contains theoretical and practical tasks aimed at mastering the studied content. The manual is based on authentic original non-adapted texts from modern periodicals in the sphere of information technology.
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    Hate speech detection in mass media: IT-based and psycholinguistic interdisciplinary approach
    (Centre for Higher Education Studies, 2021) Krylova-Grek, Yuliya
    In the research, I examine the issue of the influence of the mass media on a person’s consciousness from a psycholinguistic perspective. The core focus of my current research is hate speech in print media. The work was performed within an international project "Free voices: Promoting Independent Media in the Target Region" featuring the Crimean Human Rights Group. This paper presents an intermediate study of hate speech in the texts of online publications dated November 2020. To receive data I combined the author's method of psycholinguistic analysis with a help of a software bot. Our research consists of four stages. During the first stage, a team of journalists and volunteers with the help of a software bot carried out search query mining to find negative information. Later, applying the author's method of psycholinguistic analysis of the text, we scrutinized the material obtained to identify the type of hate speech, its techniques of influencing consciousness. The examples of hate speech were split into three types based on the use of specific linguistic and graphic tools: #1 direct hate speech; #2 indirect (hidden) hate speech; #3 manipulative hate speech. The evidence from this study intimates that the media tend to use examples of hate speech of the second and third types and avoid direct discrimination. In addition, there were mixed types: the combination of the second and third types and the combination of the first with the third or second type. I assumed the third and mixed#2-3 types of hate speech to be the methods of psycholinguistic manipulation. I have obtained comprehensive results proving that the majority of selected texts (75.7%) widely exploit methods of psycholinguistic manipulation. The results of this study will be used for a project report as well as to develop training for pre-journalist students and human rights defenders.
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    Медійна освіта як інструмент інформаційно-психологічноі безпеки особистості
    (Національний університет імені Юрія Кондратюка, 2023) Корніяка, Ольга; Крилова-Грек, Юлія
    Матеріали доповіді учасників ІV Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції "Психолого-педагогічні координати розвитку особистості", 1-2 червня 2023 року.
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    Студент – майбутній менеджер
    (Liha-Pres, 2023) Кобиляцька, Ганна
    Матеріали доповіді учасника VІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції "Третій рівень освіти в Україні: становлення та тенденції", 17-19 листопада 2023 р., с. Світязь Шацького району Волинської області.
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    Finding your voice: developing effective communication strategies
    (2023) Pirozhenko, Iryna; Shuhai, Alla; Kharchenko, Oksana; Fedoriv, Yaroslava
    This article introduces the coursebook "Finding Your Voice: Enhancing Communication Skills" for higher education institutions in Ukraine. The coursebook provides authentic materials and exercises to develop students' EFL skills, focusing on oral and written communication. The coursebook is designed to be used alongside the accompanying "Workbook" which includes grammar, vocabulary, and writing activities, promoting independent and group work. It aims to improve students' communicative, linguistic, and sociocultural competence, enabling them to effectively use English in diverse intercultural communication contexts.
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    Strategies and Practices for Enhancing Learner Motivation in Times of War: Ukraine Case Study
    (2023) Fedoriv, Yaroslava; Pirozhenko, Iryna; Solomashenko, Nataliya; Zhukorska, Liudmyla; Fedoriv, Mariya
    The paper discusses the topic of enhancing learner motivation in times of war, with a specific focus on the case of Ukraine. This research aims to explore the learner motivation in the emergency situations and techniques of enhancing online learner motivation. The authors conduct a study of the students’ survey responses and explore applicable strategies and practices that can be used to support and motivate learners in difficult circumstances.
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    Sequencing EFL learning activities for mastering scholarly communication skills
    (2023) Fedoriv, Yaroslava; Shuhai, Alla; Pirozhenko, Iryna
    Sequencing EFL learning activities for mastering scholarly communication skills is a crucial aspect of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instruction. Scholarly communication skills, essential for students who aim to excel in higher education or pursue careers in academia, refer to the ability to effectively convey ideas, arguments, and research findings in an academic or professional context. This process involves planning and organising the progression of language tasks and exercises to develop communication skills appropriate for the context of scholarly communication, which entails guiding students through a series of activities that help them develop proficiency in academic writing, speaking, reading, and listening. Sequencing learning activities in EFL classrooms serves multiple purposes. It provides a structured framework that scaffolds students' learning, ensuring their progression from simpler to more complex tasks. Additionally, it allows incorporation of a variety of instructional techniques, resources, and materials to engage students and enhance their learning experience. This project explores the importance of sequencing EFL learning activities for mastering scholarly communication skills. This includes various strategies, approaches, and best practices for effective sequencing to foster the development of academic language proficiency. The goal of sequencing EFL learning activities for mastering scholarly communication skills is to guide learners in their language development from the initial proficiency level to a higher level of language competence. Strategic organisation and progression through a series of activities aim at enhancing students' ability to effectively convey ideas, arguments, and research findings in an academic context. The sequencing approach scaffolds students' learning, provides exposure to a variety of language tasks and resources, and fosters the development of academic language proficiency. The ultimate target is to empower students with the necessary skills and confidence to excel in academic and professional settings that require relevant scholarly communication abilities.
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    Acknowledgement of the challenges in constructing different types of discours
    (2023) Fedoriv, Yaroslava; Shuhai, Alla; Pirozhenko, Iryna
    Effective communication involves constructing different types of discourse in various contexts. However, this process poses unique challenges, understanding which is essential for improving communication skills, writing strategies, and discourse analysis. This research problem focuses on exploring the challenges that individuals encounter when constructing the main types of discourse by identifying the specific linguistic, cognitive, and socio-cultural factors that contribute to these challenges. The goal of this research is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges involved in constructing the basic types of discourse. By examining the difficulties associated with such types of writing as narrative, descriptive, process, instructional, expository, reasoning, and persuasive, this study aims to identify specific linguistic, cognitive, and socio-cultural factors that contribute to these challenges. Through the analysis of these factors, the research will provide insights that can facilitate the development of strategies, interventions, and resources to support individuals in improving their discourse construction skills. The aim of this research can be achieved through mixed methods, such as (i) collecting quantitative data (surveys and assessments) to measure the individuals’ difficulties in constructing the target types of writing; (ii) collecting qualitative data (interviews and focus group discussions) to gain insights into the linguistic, cognitive, and socio-cultural factors influencing these challenges; (iii) analysing obtained statistical and qualitative data.