Багатокореневі слова та багатокореневе мислення
Морозова, Дарья
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Статтю присвячено ролі складних слів у грецькій мові та ментальності. Автор розглядає спосіб словотвору, запозичений з грецької слов’янськими культурами, як важливий чинник розвитку філософського мислення цих культур.
The paper is devoted to the role of the multirooted words in Greek and Slavonic cultures. The author tried to put in question the idea of J. Pelikan that translation of main Christian sources into Slavonic by Cyril and Methody isolated the Slavs from the heritage of antiquity. It is shown that Slavonic translators borrowed from the Greeks not only the main philosophic and theological terminology, but even the way of word-building itself. As previously had stated Averintzev, the multirooted words were not pertinent to Slavonic languages before their Christianization, and only afterwards there appeared plenty of such words in Old Church-Slavonic. These are both the loan Greek words like євхаристія (εὐχαριστία) and the calques like доброблагость (καλοκἀγαθία), ціломудріє (σωφροσύνη), добротолюбіє (φιλοκαλία). Thanks to the waste translations, Slavonic cultures adopted this way of word-building, which became an important factor of development of their philosophic thought.
However, the natural development of Ukrainian philosophic language was interrupted by the imperial anti-Ukrainian policy of the 17th-18th centuries. Later on, when Ukrainian literary language was revived by the enthusiasts of the 19th century, the Old-Slavonic words, including the multirooted ones, were mostly rejected due to their alleged connection with the imperial context. Some of the great Ukrainian translators of 19th-20th centuries, such as Panteleimon Kulish, Ivan Ohienko and Ihor Kostecky considered this limitation as a great loss and strived to «bind the old and the new Ukrainian languages». The critical shortage of the adverbial participles and the multirooted words in Modern Ukrainian is indeed a considerable obstacle for the translation of the classics of Greek philosophy and theology. The author hopes that nowadays stage of
120 impetuous development of the Ukrainian philosophic terminology, testified by the edition of the European Dictionary of Philosophies, is an appropriate moment for correcting the hasty decisions of the 19th-century philologists and returning some necessary multiroot words into the modern language.
Greek language, Church-Slavonic language, Old-Ukrainian language, metaphor, грецька мова, церковнослов’янська мова, староукраїнська мова, метафора
Морозова, Дарія Сергіївна, Багатокореневі слова та багатокореневе мислення / Морозова Д. С. // Мова : класичне - модерне - постмодерне : збірник наукових праць. - 2016. - Вип. 2. - С. 111-120.