Школа соціальної роботи ім. професора Володимира Полтавця

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    Реабілітація та реадаптація ветеранів, волонтерів та ВПО, їх соціально-психологічний супровід в умовах війни
    (КВІЦ, 2023) Лазоренко, Борис; Кальницька, Катерина; Смоляр, Я.
    Мета: стисло окреслити науково-теоретичну, науково-дослідну та практичну роботу, результати набутого досвіду співпраці колективу науковців, ветеранів АТО/ООС, волонтерів, ВПО та членів їхніх сімей в умовах гібридної війни та її сучасного повномасштабного формату.
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    Чинники формування життєвих планів вимушених українських мігрантів
    (2024) Кріжік, Катерина
    Матеріали доповіді учасника ХX Ювілейної Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції "Проблеми розвитку соціологічної теорії: Суспільна динаміка, соціальна взаємодія та соціологічні дослідження в умовах війни", 1–2 грудня 2023 року (м. Київ)
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    Educational space: post-non-classical perspectives : monograph
    (Varna University of Management, 2023) Oganisjana, Кarine; Kondrashov, Oleksandr; Oleksiuk, Nataliya; Radev, Todor
    The monograph presents: modern approaches to the study of education in the post-non-classical perspective; interpretation of the totality of meanings of education in the context of the modern socio-cultural situation; significant post-non-classical imperatives in relation to the system of education and upbringing; types of innovations in the system of higher education, related to the real situation of post-nonclassical. For lecturers of higher educational institutions, students, graduates, scientists.
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    Support for elderly people with dementia in the lifelong education system
    (Varna University of Management, 2023) Tymoshenko, Nataliia; Romanova, Nataliya; Martovytska, Nataliia
    The rapid increase in the number of elderly people with dementia requires the development of new strategic approaches to their care, since the existing support concerns a rather narrow medical segment of treatment. In addition, caregiving is a rather burdensome task for those who perform it, problems of "social ageism", social exclusion and a certain stigma on the part of other peopleisquite common.Accordingly, the systematization of modern theoretical ideas about dementia, description of its manifestations and symptoms, generalization of information about modern forms of work and features of care and support of elderly people with dementia are aimed at solving the mentioned problems.The description of the forms and methods of work in the process of care at different stages of the dementia development is an important part of the specialists’training in the process of lifelong education. A new paradigm about the importance of creating dementia-friendly communities is formulated and problems that require more detailed scientific research in the future are identified. This actualizes the search for ways to develop the adult education system, stimulates the necessity to improve the quality of educational services, provide different categories of the population with equal access, opportunities and freedom of choice in lifelong education.
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    Social Work Education during the War in Ukraine
    (2023) Boiko, Oksana; Kabachenko, Nadiya
    Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the study process at the universities was stopped. Only in a month there was a distance learning arranged at the School of Social Work at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (SSW NaUKMA), based on the relevant experience during COVID-19. The study was to explore the problems experienced by the SW students and lecturers from the SSW NaUKMA during the war in Ukraine, the experience of overcoming them, and identifying some innovative education approaches used in this context. The study had qualitative design with the use of Rapid Needs Assessment, notes from the meetings of lecturers and documents' analysis. It was found that the most difficult situation was for the students at the last years of their studies who had to prepare BA and MA papers based on their own research. Relevant strategies were developed to support them where the key role was played by their supervisors. Relevant approaches were developed to organization of practice placement including assignments, assessment system. To prevent mental health problems, there were psychoeducation components embedded into lectures and workshops. Support by the group of social work educators and practitioners from the EsrASSW, EASSW, IASSW and other professional associations within the Initiative 'Solidarity and Support with Ukrainian Social Work Educators from the Schools of Social Work' was very important too. Thus, in the permanently changing war context innovative approaches to social work education were used to ensure the students’ gaining relevant skills and knowledge.
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    How language affects access to services and information
    (2023) Fricke, Christine; Gusak, Nataliia; Kryshtal, Andrii
    Effective support for people fleeing the war in Ukraine requires an understanding of their language and communication needs and preferences. Ukraine is multilingual. Ukrainian, the official language, is spoken alongside Russian and minority languages like Romani, Crimean Tatar, Hungarian and Gagauz. Ukrainians affected by the war face multiple language challenges, and barriers to communicating their needs and accessing information and services. The cooperation and involvement of Governments, NGOs and language service providers can all play a vital role in helping Ukrainian refugees to overcome language and communication obstacles, access the information and services they need, and start building their lives in new countries.
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    Narrative in Social Work Education
    (2023) Kabachenko, Nadiya; Boyko, Oksana
    The lecture is aimed at analysis of existing understanding of narrative method of teaching by modern scholars, as well as the specific ways and goals of its application in everyday practice. Specific consideration is given to exploration of narratives in social work education in higher education settings. Detailed description and in-depth analysis is provided on the use of narratives in teaching social work courses at the Bachelor program at the School of Social Work of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. An analysis is provided for the content of topics of studies where such narratives are used, like life history, oral narratives etc. Specific cases of narrative use presented in the lecture include: students’ creating and telling the narrative on behalf of the imagined character with the relevant characteristics; using visualization (photos), based on which the narrative is created; creating and delivering the future narrative by participation of the other character; understanding the history narrative; analysis and interpretation of narratives collected by the use of oral narrative or life story. It is claimed that using the narrative promotes students' activization, empowers them for the project work, enables their gaining new experience and experiential learning. Moreover, developing and telling the narratives enhances students’ intense communication and creativity as well as their engagement into the education process which is of high importance within the distance learning framework. The narrative is of high value for the social work education and training as this approach ensures developing capacity to listen to the clients’ stories, to analyze and to understand their life stories, to assist in changing clients’ lives by using success stories. Since the full scale war in Ukraine in 2022, people's war narratives bring a wide range of personal and professional insights for social work students.
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    Supported housing in Ukraine during the war
    (2023) Kabachenko, Nadiya; Boyko, Oksana
    Supported housing is an alternative to a large number of boarding schools, psychoneurological dispensaries for people with disabilities and institutions for elderly people which are still acting in Ukraine, and, due to the war, there is a tendency to its growing. Supported housing envisages a significant level of inhabitants’ independency, but, at the same time, provides relevant support for them. The importance of such support is being significantly increased during the wartime when a large number of people, in the first instance those who belong to vulnerable populations, loose their house, relatives and close people, who might be providing them with the relevant support in case of other circumstances. Thus for the purpose of the study it was important to explore how the Ukrainian state regulates the number of institutions where supported living is organized and to understand what creates barriers for creation and development the units for supported living in communities. Based on the study outcomes it is possible to state that the number of such institutions acting in Ukraine is quite small. One of the most important reasons for the above is that the standards developed by the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine which the place for supported living has to meet are quite high. In addition, according to the requirements, accommodation for 6-12 persons has to be provided by a large number of personnel, specifically, an administrative and economic personnel, social workers, home assistants and a psychologist. There are lots of communities which are not able to provide relevant requirements, especially within the war conditions when there is a large lack of resources, both material and human ones. Thus, it’s very actual, in the first instance, to simplify the relevant requirements, to organize training that would ensure an opportunity to community representatives to arrange supported living for their inhabitants and to prevent them from being accommodated to the institutional facilities.
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    Understanding of perinatal mental health and its psychosocial determinants through Ukrainian women’s experience
    (2024) Gusak, Nataliia; Kendall, Sally; Nizalova, Olena
    Introduction: Perinatal mental health defines new mothers, their families, and the social, emotional, and cognitive development of their children. The factors contributing to Ukrainian mothers’ mental health are not well-defined in the literature. This study aims to explore how Ukrainian women understand mental health and its psychosocial determinants through their perinatal experience. Methods: This qualitative analysis is part of a larger mixed-methods study exploring perinatal mental health in Ukraine. Five online focus groups (n=30) with Ukrainian mothers of children aged 0–5 years were conducted in June–July 2020. The participants were selected from a pool of 1634 women who completed an online questionnaire and agreed to participate in further research. Informed consent was obtained. The data collected from the focus groups were transcribed verbatim and analyzed thematically using Dedoose software. Results: The study identified two themes. The first theme was: ‘Understanding perinatal mental health through women's experience’, which covers five subthemes. The second theme was ‘Psychosocial determinants of maternal mental health’, which includes six subthemes. Overall, women's feelings of guilt, blame, and shame during their perinatal journey are influenced by socio-cultural factors and can lead to mental health problems and reluctance to seek proper help. Conclusions: The study has identified some factors that can contribute to the enhancement of mental health and well-being of mothers in Ukraine during their perinatal journey. Negative emotions such as guilt, blame, and shame can have a significant impact on their ability to seek the necessary support, and should be addressed by midwives and other healthcare professionals.
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    Exploring prevalence and factors associated with postpartum depression among Ukrainian wome
    (2024) Gusak, Nataliia; Kendall, Sally; Nizalova, Olena
    Introduction: Postpartum depression negatively impacts maternal mental health and child development. The high prevalence of postpartum depression (PPD) in low and lower middle-income countries raises questions about its predictors. This study examines the association between PPD and breastfeeding experience, child death, unresolved pregnancy, forced displacement, COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, marital, and financial status among Ukrainian women. Methods: This online study recruited 1634 Ukrainian mothers of children aged 0–5 years through non-governmental organizations providing services to them. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), with a cut-off of ≥13, was used to assess depressive symptoms in the postpartum period. Independent t-tests, chi-squared tests, one-way ANOVA, non-parametric correlations, and logistic regression tests were used to analyze the data. Results: The prevalence of depressive symptoms was 39.0% (n=1631). There was a positive association between EPDS scores and breastfeeding difficulties, pandemic lockdown, and financial difficulties. We did not find an association between PPD symptoms and unresolved pregnancy, death of a child, being affected by COVID-19, and forced displacement. We found that EPDS scores for women who did not experience forced displacement (n=1528) were significantly higher compared to displaced mothers (n=74). Conclusions: The present study of Ukrainian women shows that women experienced depressive symptoms influenced by various factors including breastfeeding difficulties, pandemic lockdown, and financial difficulties. There is a need for additional research into such factors as unresolved pregnancy, the death of a child, being affected by COVID-19, and forced displacement.
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    Професійний стрес: вивчення поняття в сучасному дискурсі
    (Дірект Лайн, 2024) Дмитришина, Наталія
    Розділ методичного посібника "Психолого-педагогічний практикум", Ч. 5, 2024.
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    Facilitators and barriers for implementation of community-based mental health interventions in Western and Eastern Europe - a systematic literature review
    (2023) Remy, Maurice Luca; Blijleven, Putu Stephanie; Coetzer, Jessica Amy; Bondarenko, Nataliia
    With a high prevalence of mental health disorders in Europe and the increasing call for human-rights approaches in their treatment, the number of community-based mental health (CBMH) interventions is growing within the region. However, the implementation of these CMBH interventions differs between countries and regions, especially between Western and Eastern European countries. The reasons for these differences are based on societal and health systems, but also the design and implementation of the intervention. This systematic literature review examined the existing literature on CMBH interventions in Europe, to identify facilitators and barriers in the implementation process. Emerging themes that were found are the importance of collaboration, the availability of adequate resources, and the consideration of the community perspective in the process. The differences between Western and Eastern Europe which were discovered were mostly caused by a lack of financial and human resources and a higher existing stigma around mental health disorders in communities.
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    Зміцнення резилієнс громади та кризовий менеджмент в умовах надзвичайних ситуацій : методичні матеріали до навчального курсу : навчально-методичний посібник
    (Національний університет "Києво-Могилянська академія", Дискурсус, 2023) Бойко, Оксана; МакАлістер, Роберт; Рейнхольдт, Нільс Петер; Лістер, Ларс
    У навчально-методичному посібнику представлено матеріали до навчального курсу з основ кризового менеджменту в умовах надзвичайних ситуацій та розбудови резилієнс громади. Особливу увагу зосереджено на мультидисциплінарній взаємодії та кризовому мережуванні в громаді, а також особливостях і формах організації реагування на надзвичайні ситуації й управління ним на рівні громади. Посібник містить тематичний план курсу, перелік рекомендованої літератури, завдання для самостійної роботи студентів, питання для перевірки знань, методичні матеріали до основних змістових блоків курсу. Посібник призначений для викладачів закладів вищої освіти й може бути корисним для студентів освітніх й освітньо-наукових програм за спеціальностями "Соціальна робота", "Психологія", програм підготовки фахівців у сфері цивільного захисту, а також усіх осіб, зацікавлених у підвищенні кваліфікації щодо готовності до надзвичайних ситуацій і реагування на них.
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    Менеджмент соціальних послуг в умовах війни : матеріали тренінгу
    (2023) Бончужна, Є.; Волгіна, Оксана; Головко, Н.; Демко, С.; Іванова, Олена; Кабаченко, Надія; Лебідь, М.; Левкіна, Г.; Соцька, А.
    Матеріали підготовлені в рамках тренінгу "Менеджмент соціальних послуг в умовах війни", організованого ПРООН в Україні спільно з Офісом Президента України та Міністерством соціальної політики України за фінансової підтримки Уряду Німеччини. Думки, висновки або рекомендації, висловлені авторами чи упорядниками цього посібника, не обов’язково відображають погляди ПРООН чи інших агенцій ООН. Ця публікація була підготовлена і випущена під час повномасштабного російського вторгнення в Україну, а тому не враховує всі можливі впливи війни на предмет публікації через неможливість вичерпно оцінити наслідки війни.