Причини поширення кремацій в херсонеському некрополі
Шевченко, Т.
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Статтю присвячено розгляду причин тривалого співіснування двох поховальних обрядів – кремації та інгумації – у некрополях античних центрів на прикладі раптового збільшення в елліністичному і зменшення у перші сторіччя нашої ери відсотка трупоспалень у некрополі Херсонеса
The choice of inhumations could have been caused by the short term of the burial. If the ceremonies of farewell could not have been finished at the second day after the physical death, because of too many participants in elite’s burials or because of carting to the motherland, then it was a need to stop the decay of a body and so to approach the physical and spiritual death. Therefore, the near absence of cremations in the Classical period could have been caused by the simplicity of the burial ceremonies of elite, and 20 % of cremations in the Hellenistic period could correspond to the percentage of the upper ten, which made the burials with all the details of the ceremonies because of the importance for them of the cult of ancestors. Decrease in the number of cremations in the first centuries AD indicated the spread of the new worldviews where the ideas of the sole and body preservation played a significant role.
The choice of inhumations could have been caused by the short term of the burial. If the ceremonies of farewell could not have been finished at the second day after the physical death, because of too many participants in elite’s burials or because of carting to the motherland, then it was a need to stop the decay of a body and so to approach the physical and spiritual death. Therefore, the near absence of cremations in the Classical period could have been caused by the simplicity of the burial ceremonies of elite, and 20 % of cremations in the Hellenistic period could correspond to the percentage of the upper ten, which made the burials with all the details of the ceremonies because of the importance for them of the cult of ancestors. Decrease in the number of cremations in the first centuries AD indicated the spread of the new worldviews where the ideas of the sole and body preservation played a significant role.
археологія, поховання, обряд, кремація, інгумація, трупоспалення, Херсонес Таврійський, стаття