Solving classical (systems of) linear algebraic equations using non-classical methods of computer mathematics

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Tsukanova, Alisa
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Since the beginning of time people have made some optimal, more or less, decision, based only on pure human experience. Over time it was no longer possible to realize this action without special mathematical methods that carry out global search for necessary optimum. Nowadays, in crazy time of global computerization, these methods allow us to take, in fact, innovative look at some complicated problems of classical mathematics. The given paper presents basic results of analysis of well known classical Gauss method (or Gaussian elimination method) and new optimization method of gradient descent for solving general systems of linear algebraic equations, obtained after testing our own program, written in "Visual Basic for Applications".
"Visual Basic for Applications", anti-gradient, Gaussian method, conference abstracts
Tsukanova A. O. Solving classical (systems of) linear algebraic equations using non-classical methods of computer mathematics / A. O. Tsukanova // XII Всеукраїнська наукова конференцiя молодих математикiв, Київ, 9-11 травня 2024 р. : [збірник тез /оргком.: Глибовець А. М. та ін.] ; Нацiональний унiверситет Києво-Могилянська академiя" [та ін.]. - [Київ : б. в.], 2024. - C. 133-134.