Екзистенціал смерті й безсмертя особистості у філософських романах Олдоса Гакслі: культурологічний аспект
Караєва, Ірина
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З позиції культурології розглянуто проблему смерті й безсмертя особистості у філософських
романах О. Гакслі різних періодів творчості. За допомогою метаантропологічного підходу смерть
і безсмертя потрактовано як екзистенціал метаграничного буття людини. З’ясовано, як разом
з еволюцією світогляду автора змінювалося й було відображено в його філософських романах ставлення до проблем сенсу життя, смерті й безсмертя. До аналізу залучено ранню романну прозу
О. Гакслі 1920–1930-х рр., філософські романи, у яких пропонуються антиутопічні моделі культури,
та останній філософський роман "Острів".
Cultural studies cover the genesis and development of culture as a specific human lifestyle. Its universals are representations of human cultural experience, including humans, their life and death. The meaning of human life, death, and immortality became the main objects for consideration and research at all stages of Aldous Huxley’s literary activity. The analysis of his early philosophical novels and novels that offer an anti-utopian model of culture shows his tendency to destroy his characters in order to defend their personalities, a refusal to accept the patterns of ordinary being, when the man’s will is aimed only at self-preservation and reproduction. To identify this tendency, we studied the novels Crome Yellow, Antic Hay, Point Counter Point, Eyeless in Gaza, After Many a Summer, Time Must Have a Stop, Brave New World, Ape and Essence. At this stage of spiritual search, A. Huxley justifies suicide as a way of self-realization. Having reached the level of the philosophical outlook, A. Huxley proposes and promotes the spiritual ideals of self-improvement, love for neighbour as for ‘another one’, the attitude to death as an existential, which is a certain stage of human existence, not tragic but natural. It is reflected in the novel Island. Thanatology is one of the main subjects at school. The yoga of death is promoted: it treats life and death as a single entity, as a kind of art, which should result in Paranirvana. The article proves that A. Huxley’s stance on the problems of purpose of life, death, and immortality had been changing along with the evolution of his outlook. It is shown how this genesis is reflected in A. Huxley’s literary works. Death in A. Huxley’s works is interpreted via meta-anthropological approach as the existential transcendent being of man.
Cultural studies cover the genesis and development of culture as a specific human lifestyle. Its universals are representations of human cultural experience, including humans, their life and death. The meaning of human life, death, and immortality became the main objects for consideration and research at all stages of Aldous Huxley’s literary activity. The analysis of his early philosophical novels and novels that offer an anti-utopian model of culture shows his tendency to destroy his characters in order to defend their personalities, a refusal to accept the patterns of ordinary being, when the man’s will is aimed only at self-preservation and reproduction. To identify this tendency, we studied the novels Crome Yellow, Antic Hay, Point Counter Point, Eyeless in Gaza, After Many a Summer, Time Must Have a Stop, Brave New World, Ape and Essence. At this stage of spiritual search, A. Huxley justifies suicide as a way of self-realization. Having reached the level of the philosophical outlook, A. Huxley proposes and promotes the spiritual ideals of self-improvement, love for neighbour as for ‘another one’, the attitude to death as an existential, which is a certain stage of human existence, not tragic but natural. It is reflected in the novel Island. Thanatology is one of the main subjects at school. The yoga of death is promoted: it treats life and death as a single entity, as a kind of art, which should result in Paranirvana. The article proves that A. Huxley’s stance on the problems of purpose of life, death, and immortality had been changing along with the evolution of his outlook. It is shown how this genesis is reflected in A. Huxley’s literary works. Death in A. Huxley’s works is interpreted via meta-anthropological approach as the existential transcendent being of man.
Олдос Гакслі, культура, філософський роман, митець, екзистенціал, сенс життя, смерть, безсмертя особистості, стаття, Aldous Huxley, culture, philosophical novel, literary artist, existential, purpose of life, death, immortality of personality
Караєва, Ірина Степанівна. Екзистенціал смерті й безсмертя особистості у філософських романах Олдоса Гакслі: культурологічний аспект / Ірина Караєва // Наукові записки НаУКМА. Історія і теорія культури. - 2021. - Т. 4. - С. 22-27.