Ivanov, Andrey V. A Spiritual Revolution. The Impact of Reformation and Enlightenment in Orthodox Russia (Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2020), xv, 363 pp. : [рецензія]

Andrey V. Ivanov’s "A Spiritual Revolution. The Impact of Reformation and Enlightenment in Orthodox Russia" (University of Wisconsin Press, 2020) is a work on the impact of the Reformation and the Enlightenment across Russian imperial lands during the long 18th century. Expanding on the narrative schemes proposed by Georges Florovsky (1893–1979) and adopted by Gregory Freeze, "A Spiritual Revolution" argues that Reform paved the way for Enlightenment. Both Reform and Enlightenment constituted stage posts in Russian imperial modernization. At the same time the Russian 18th century broke with previous patterns of thought and ideologies. Ivanov’s work therefore challenges the conception that religious developments in the Russian Empire were of a different kind to those taking place further West.
Reformation, Enlightenment, Russian imperial modernization, philo-Protestant thinkers, Prokopovich’s catechism, patristic studies, review
Carras I. Ivanov, Andrey V. A Spiritual Revolution. The Impact of Reformation and Enlightenment in Orthodox Russia (Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2020), xv, 363 pp. : [рецензія] / Iannis Carras // Київська Академія. - 2023. - Вип. 20. - С. 275-278. - https://doi.org/10.18523/1995-025X.2023.20.275-27