Kant on the Sensual and Rational Factors of Human Actions: A Рsychological and Transcendental Analysis
Kozlovskyi, Viktor
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The article examines Immanuel Kant’s psychological and transcendental analysis of the factors that determine human actions in different ways and with different strengths. Based on the works, in particular, Critique of Pure Reason, Critique of Practical Reason, and Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, as well as lecture notes and notes of the German philosopher, it was possible to study the interaction between the sensual determination of human actions – stimuli, affects and passions, and the rational determination of human actions-motives, imperatives, and freedom. We investigate how Immanuel Kant preserves the basic meaning of freedom in the interweaving and interaction of various factors that significantly influence human actions.
Immanuel Kant, transcendental, dogmatism, critical philosophy, human actions, determination, stimuli, affects, passions, motives, categorical imperative, evil, freedom, article
Kozlovskyi V. Kant on the Sensual and Rational Factors of Human Actions: A Рsychological and Transcendental Analysis / Viktor Kozlovskyi // Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal. - 2024. - No. 11: Kant Studies in Ukraine: History and Modernity (to Kant's 300th Anniversary). - Р. 1-18. - https://doi.org/10.18523/2313-4895.11.2024.1-18