Порівняльний аналіз підручників з вивчення мови як іноземної

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Тулузакова, Ольга
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The article analyses general trends of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language, development of regular national standards. There is a brief review of textbooks «Ukrainian as foreign language». Textbooks of Russian as a foreign language are analyzed according to levels (A1-C2) on aspects such as the us241 ing of modern vocabulary, appositeness and motivation of using grammar for primary level of learning, the using of modern texts to illustrate the language material and to familiarize with the culture of the country. Ukraine’s accession to the European and world cultural space shows the urgent need of the adding of the Ukrainian language in European Union’s registered languages. This fact requires from Ukrainian specialists further improvement approaches to teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language in accordance with international standards. The aim is focused and consistent popularization of Ukrainian language in Ukraine and abroad. Today there are increasing numbers of those, who want to learn Ukrainian. Instead, there are no specialized literature that would be followed by a conceptual approach in writing textbooks Ukrainian language and contain the latest communicative oriented methods and elaborated didactic teaching of this discipline in accordance with international standards. Tutorials is the one way of mastering a foreign language course. Textbooks in Russian as a foreign language seem to us better in some aspects. This condition is quite natural, since the 30’s to 80’s XX century Soviet government’s policy states that were part of the Soviet Union, did not contribute to the development of Ukrainian language as neither national, nor even, studying Ukrainian language. After a comparative analysis of textbooks in Ukrainian language and Russian as a foreign language, we can note some advantages of the latter: the use of modern vocabulary, appropriateness and motivation of using grammar for primary level learning, the use of modern texts (such contemporary authors and texts where shown modern realities of life) to illustrate how language material and to familiarize themselves with the country’s culture.
Ukrainian as a foreign language, foreign language learning, books, speaking, reading, listening, writing, vocabulary, українська мова як іноземна, вивчення іноземної мови, підручники, говоріння, читання, аудіювання, письмо, граматика, лексика
Тулузакова, О. Порівняльний аналіз підручників з вивчення мови як іноземної / Тулузакова О., Богданова Є. // Мова : класичне - модерне - постмодерне : збірник наукових праць. - 2016. - Вип. 2. - С. 231-241.