Статус і роль імператриці у візантійському суспільстві
Копівська, Анастасія
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У статті розглянуто політичне і соціальне становище жінки-імператриці у візантійському суспільстві з початку існування Ромейської імперії. Авторка обґрунтовує думку, що непересічні жінки фактично правили імперією, яка посідала провідне місце в середньовічній Ойкумені. На прикладі імператриць визначено тип поведінки, авторитетність жінки при владі та її сприйняття в суспільстві.
The article defines the political and social status of women in the Byzantine Empire society from the early days. We insist there was a huge change in people’s mentality to get to a point where a woman was allowed to engage in politics, take a part in social events on the state level, and influence the cultural process. Remarkable women actually ruled the empire; they occupied leading positions in medieval Oecumene. We take a wide range of Byzantine empresses through the whole history of the Empire, starting from Theodora, who was canonized, taking saint empresses like Irene who had to stand up for religious rights of people of the country. We consider those pious women who influenced appearing of exceptional emperors like Alexios I Komnenos; it was Anna Dalasine who raised him. Also, we review frustrated empresses like Anna Komnene who aimed to rule the country, but family arguments and intrigues did not let this intelligent woman take part in the Byzantine politics. We think all those women who at some point influenced the political situation in the country formed some type, an image of the Byzantine empress which, in its turn, was accepted and supported in the court. We insist there formed a pattern for the woman to fit in, to match the court expectations, and to survive in the completely man’s world. Empresses had to maintain a certain type of behavior, the credibility of women in power and its perception in the community at once. The authors recall women of power and single out the features requested at a certain age and political situation in different times on the Byzantium political scene. The very social and political input of women is reviewed. We implement the theory that there are features in the modern society for the woman of power left from thousands years of existence of the Empire, and plan to review the point in future researches.
імператриця, жінка, Візантія, становище жінки, стратегія, інтрига, монастир, стаття, empress, woman, Byzantium, state of women, strategy, intrigue, monastery
Копівська А. Р. Статус і роль імператриці у візантійському суспільстві / Копівська А. Р. // Наукові записки НаУКМА. - 2016. - Т. 179 : Теорія та історія культури. - С. 76-81.