Європейський Словник філософій і українська мова філософії

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Васильченко, Андрій
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Статтю присвячено осмисленню місця Європейського Словника філософій у сучасному українському філософському дискурсі та його ролі у формуванні української мови філософії.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the place of the European Vocabulary of philosophies in the contemporary philosophical discourse and its role in the shaping of Ukrainian philosophical language. Ukrainian philosophical language, contrary to French and the overwhelming majority of other European philosophical languages, is going through a 40 period of active development; for that reason, it has a supple and receptive character. It easily incorporates foreign terms, concepts, and paradigms. The idea of the multifaceted vision of the world attained through the diversity of languages is inherent to Le Vocabulaire Européen des Philosophies. In the French context, it has to do with Deleuze’s «deterritorialization,» that is, with the undermining of the domination of well-established binary oppositions and the blurring of metanarratives and conceptual bastions of modernity. In the Ukrainian reality, however, this idea naturally turns into the energy of language creation, the fervor of developing new philosophical territories («reterritorialization») and the aspiration to constructing new conceptual fortifications designed to strengthen the frontiers of philosophizing. A somewhat paradoxical and perhaps, particularly Ukrainian effect of the receptive nature of Ukrainian philosophical language consists in the fact that main borders of non-translatability run not between Ukrainian and other languages but between different intra-Ukrainian philosophical discourses, such as analytic philosophy, phenomenology, French post-modernism, etc. Of course, Ukrainian philosophical language also has its constructive aspect. It becomes apparent in proper Ukrainian untranslatables and, at another level, in the integration of separate philosophical discourses into a unified discursive space. These both features are inherent to the Ukrainian edition of the Vocabulary. So the European Vocabulary of philosophies manures the ground for the future development of the Ukrainian philosophy through enriching of the resources of philosophical language and integrating intra-Ukrainian philosophical discourses into a unified discursive space.
untranslatability, the language of philosophy, Ukrainian language, reterritorialization, polyglossia, неперекладність, мова філософії, українська мова, ретериторіалізація, поліглосія
Васильченко Андрій Анатолійович. Європейський Cловник філософій і українська мова філософії / Васильченко А. А. // Мова : класичне - модерне - постмодерне : збірник наукових праць. - 2016. - Вип. 2. - С. 34-40.