Слово куркуль в історико-етимологічному та соціально-політичному аспектах
Масенко, Лариса
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У статті розглянуто семантичні зміни, яких зазнало слово куркуль у радянському офіційно-діловому і пропагандистському дискурсах. Надання слову вкрай негативної конотації зробило його своєрідним тавром на позначення класового ворога. Специфіка вживання лексеми куркуль і численних похідних від неї утворень у мові обвинувальних актів і пропагандистських текстів другої половини 1920—1930-х років дає підстави авторці вважати досліджуване лексичне гніздо мовним виявом війни тоталітарного режиму з українським селянством як основною соціальною базою українського етносу.
The paper deals with the history of the word kurkul (an offensive word for “wealthy presant”). Both lexicographic sources and culturological studies are shown to prove that the word kurkul and its numerous derivatives with negative estimative connotations have been promoted by the Soviet propaganda in the course of collectivization. Before that, the lexeme kurkul had been used with other meaning that had never been associated with a wealthy peasant. This follows, e.g., from B. Hrynchenko’s Dictionaty of Ukrainian Language. The words pidkurkulnyk (kurkul’s hireling), seredniak (middling-wealthy peasant), and nezamozhnyk (poor peasant) are also artificial lexical forms introduced in the Soviet newspeak during collectivization. The language of the indictments of 1930ties provides solid evidence that bolsheviks’ struggle against wealthy peasantry has transcended the limits of the class struggle and acquired the nature of the war against the Ukrainian nation. The Soviet totalitarian discourse has implemented the pejorative kurkul and the whole family of its derivatives as a basis for the charge of nationalism. This is confirmed by the use of the attributes nationalistic-kurkul, bourgeois- nationalistic kurkul-Petliura elements etc. Thus, the semantic modification of the lexeme kurkul as well as the specific usage of the latter and its numerous derivatives in the official and propagandistic discourse during the second part of 1920ties and through 1930ties should be regarded as the linguistic manifestation of the total war of Stain’s regime against the Ukrainian people.
The paper deals with the history of the word kurkul (an offensive word for “wealthy presant”). Both lexicographic sources and culturological studies are shown to prove that the word kurkul and its numerous derivatives with negative estimative connotations have been promoted by the Soviet propaganda in the course of collectivization. Before that, the lexeme kurkul had been used with other meaning that had never been associated with a wealthy peasant. This follows, e.g., from B. Hrynchenko’s Dictionaty of Ukrainian Language. The words pidkurkulnyk (kurkul’s hireling), seredniak (middling-wealthy peasant), and nezamozhnyk (poor peasant) are also artificial lexical forms introduced in the Soviet newspeak during collectivization. The language of the indictments of 1930ties provides solid evidence that bolsheviks’ struggle against wealthy peasantry has transcended the limits of the class struggle and acquired the nature of the war against the Ukrainian nation. The Soviet totalitarian discourse has implemented the pejorative kurkul and the whole family of its derivatives as a basis for the charge of nationalism. This is confirmed by the use of the attributes nationalistic-kurkul, bourgeois- nationalistic kurkul-Petliura elements etc. Thus, the semantic modification of the lexeme kurkul as well as the specific usage of the latter and its numerous derivatives in the official and propagandistic discourse during the second part of 1920ties and through 1930ties should be regarded as the linguistic manifestation of the total war of Stain’s regime against the Ukrainian people.
радянська новомова, хазяїн, куркуль, середняк, незаможник, стаття, totalitarian discourse, pejorative, kurkul, pidkurkulnyk, seredniak, nezamozhnyk, article
Масенко Л. Т. Слово куркуль в історико-етимологічному та соціально-політичному аспектах / Лариса Масенко // Українська мова. - 2015. - № 2. - С. 24-37.