Кістяний виріб з Телячого острова (м. Чернігів)
Ступак, Дмитро
Ступак, Аліна
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Інститут археології НАН України
В публікації висвітлюється знахідка фрагменту знаряддя, виготовленого з лівої метатарсальної кістки оленя (Cervidae gen. et sp.), знайденого на південній околиці Чернігова. Фрагмент орнаментований двома стовпчиками поперечних насічок. Автори датують даний виріб часом мезоліту – неоліту.
The bone fragment decorated with two columns of parallel strokes was found on the surface of the Telyachyi island. Its located on the Desna river, 400 meters above the bridge on the E95 highway (fig. 1). This bone fragment was found by O. V. Shekun, in the early 80s in the 20th century (fig. 4–6). Anatomically, this artifact is a dorsal side of the proximal part the left metatarsal (metatarsale III+IV) bone of a deer (Cervidae gen. et sp.) (fig. 3). The dimensions of the fragment are 45.91×28.35×14.63 mm. Due to the peculiarities of the state of preservation of the fragment, it is not possible to accurately determine the species of deer to which the bone belonged. The surface of the fragment from the front, as well as the back, is smoothed. Polishing could have been formed both as a result of human activity in the process of using the artifact, and as a result of natural processes. Two columns of parallel strokes decorations have been preserved on the fragment. The strokes of the left part are shorter and applied more densely (figs. 4–6). A number of artifacts, which belong to the Mesolithic, have a resembling type of ornamentation (fig. 8: 1–11). The artifact found at the Stolec site (Stolec, Poland) (fig. 8: 1) (Płonka et al. 2022, c. 8.) is the closest in bone material, shape
and the decoration location. Artifacts with the decoration of two columns of parallel strokes were also found in Neolithic times (fig. 8: 12). Ornamented items made of organic materials from the territory of the Desna basin are extremely rare and belong to the Neolithic (fig. 7: 4, 9, 10). The studied artifact is a fragment of the tool made of the metatarsal deer bone. Unfortunately, the lack of a radiocarbon date makes it impossible to clarify its accurate dating. Based on the spread of columns of parallel strokes of ornament in the Mesolithic period and its continued existence in the Neolithic period, as well as the presence of finds of fragments of Neolithic ceramics on Telyachyi island, the found fragment of the tool, today, should be dated to the Mesolithic – Neolithic period.
мезоліт, Чернігів, Телячий острів, знаряддя з трубчастих кісток, Cervidae gen. et sp., орнамент, стаття, Mesolithic, Chernihiv, Telyachyi island, long bone tools, Cervidae gen. et sp., ornament
Ступак Д. В. Кістяний виріб з Телячого острова (м. Чернігів) / Ступак Д. В., Ступак А. В. // Кам'яна доба України : збірник наукових статей. - Київ : Інститут археології НАН України, 2023. - Вип. 22. До 80-річчя О. О. Кротової. - С. 172-181.