Орфографічні й лексичні помилки в крос-медійних ЗМІ: типологія, причини виникнення

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Мариненко, Ірина
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Статтю присвячено аналізові евфонічних, орфографічних, лексико-семантичних помилок, яких припускаються журналісти інтернет-ЗМІ. Систематизовані анормативи, зібрані із сучасних крос-медійних матеріалів, визначено чинники, які спричинили їх виникнення, наведено приклади типових помилок із сайтів інформаційних агенцій, інтернет- версій періодичних видань і телеканалів, сайтів державних установ.
The spread of cross-media in today’s society creates serious responsibility for journalists working in multimedia as the number of readers of their material have increased significantly. Such changes in the information space require a high professional competence from the authors, including linguistic ones. However, the analysis of recent publications shows an opposite tendency: the number of violations of the literary norm have significantly increased at different levels of language. Purpose of our article is to identify typical errors in cross-media and the reasons for their occurrence to avoid their appearance in future texts. Methods. For objective research, the following methods have been used: continuous sampling, analysis and synthesis, and a descriptive method. Results. The research has shown that the authors of informative texts often neglect the rules of speech euphony, which are not well-versed in spelling rules. For example, the problem is made up of the rules of writing doubling consonant letters, derivative adverbs, complex words, service parts of speech, etc. From the lexical point of view, there are too many non-normative calks from the Russian language, a mistaken use of paronyms, and examples of the use of words in wrong meanings. The authors also abused a vernacular and jargon vocabulary; thus, the language has been mixed. Discussion. Considering the results of the study, we believe that the state of the culture of language in cross-media needs to improve the knowledge of journalists, as well as enhancing the role of editor in preparing materials for publication. After all, mass media are a distributor of information and knowledge among readers; they are ways of expressing opinions and language literacy. The fragmentation of this study, which covered the semi-annual period, allows for extending its time frame in the future, as well as analyzing other types of abnormalities (word- formation, grammar, punctuation, and stylistics).
крос-медійні ЗМІ, мовна норма, відхилення від мовної норми, помилка, анорматив, стаття, cross-media, linguistic norm, deviation from linguistic norm, error, abnormality
Мариненко Ірина. Орфографічні й лексичні помилки в крос-медійних ЗМІ: типологія, причини виникнення / Ірина Мариненко // Мова : класичне - модерне - постмодерне : збірник наукових праць / відп. ред. В. Ожоган ; Нац. ун-т "Києво-Могилянська академія". - Київ : Дух і Літера, 2017. - Вип. 3. - С. 227-235.