Рец. на: Пустовалов С. Ж. Етносоціальна структура ямно-катакомбного суспільства Північного Причорномор’я. – К. : ФОП Жовтий, 2015. – 197 с.

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Новальська, Тетяна
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Монографічну роботу С. Ж. Пустовалова присвячено актуальній і в теоретичному, і в конкретно-науковому аспекті проблемі, пов’язаній з дослідженням станово-кастового характеру ямнокатакомбного суспільства, розгляду основних кастових суспільств світу, внаслідок чого створюється модель кастової системи.
S. Pustovalova’s monograph covers an acute problem, in terms of theoretical and empirical scientific aspects, related to the study of the estate and caste nature of Yama and Catacomb community, consideration of caste communities of the world that result in creating a model of the caste system. To create the model, the author uses materials from India, Africa, Mesoamerica, Oceania, Ancient Greece, Egypt and Mesopotamia, and data from all over the world where the caste system has been found. The monograph gives the first comprehensive analysis of the ethno-social structure of Yamna and Catacomb community in the Northern Black Sea Coastal Plain. This approach allows to trace sex and age, professional, social and ethno-social peculiarities of the population. The leading scientific opinions of domestic and foreign scientists who considered the problem earlier, a well-grounded reference base, the depth of analysis, and generalization of research results compare this author’s work favorably to the others that provide a high level of scientific probability obtained by the author’s conclusions. In total, the author has processed 722 literary sources, which include resources and publications in foreign languages. That allowed the author to determine a critical apparatus of the research, logically build the structure of the work consisting of the Introduction, six chapters, Conclusion, References. The monograph chronologically covers the period of the Early Bronze Age (the third millennium BC), and geographically, the North Black Sea coast. S. Pustovalova’s work is a comprehensive research. The author’s hypothesis about the estate and caste nature of the society is well grounded and offers mass of evidence to support it. The book will be interesting to experts in archeology, anthropology and history, and for all who are interested in history, ethnology, and archeology.
монографія, доба ранньої бронзи, Північне Причорномор’я, рецензія
Новальська Т. В. [Рец. на: Пустовалов С. Ж. Етносоціальна структура ямно-катакомбного суспільства Північного Причорномор’я. – К. : ФОП Жовтий, 2015. – 197 с.] / Новальська Т. В. // Наукові записки НаУКМА. - 2016. - Т. 179 : Теорія та історія культури. - С. 90-92.