"Неандертальський" яр мустьєрської стоянки Андріївка 4 поблизу Новомиргорода
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У статті публікуються результати дослідження на стоянці Андріївка 4 поблизу м. Новомиргорода
унікального археологічного об’єкта – стародавнього яру з крем’яними виробами неандертальців
у заповненні, перекритого культурним шаром пізнішого мустьєрського стійбища.
The paper is devoted to publication and interpretation of the unique archaeology object which is buried ravine in Mousterian Andryivka 4 site in Kirovograd region. Flint materials of the upper cultural layer represent an impressive assemblage of denticulate Mousterian. They occurred in the upper part of Vytachiv buried soil are dated back to the beginning of the Upper Palaeolithic period. The lower cultural layer is revealed in the filling of an ancient ravine, formed on a level of the base of Vytachiv buried soil aged to circa 50 kyr BP. This layer presents a typical Mousterian flint assemblage. Bones of mammoth, bison, horse and cave lion were recovered in association with the lower layer. There are three possible versions of using ravine by paleantrops: rubbish-heap, primitive dwelling or storehouse for flint row materials.
The paper is devoted to publication and interpretation of the unique archaeology object which is buried ravine in Mousterian Andryivka 4 site in Kirovograd region. Flint materials of the upper cultural layer represent an impressive assemblage of denticulate Mousterian. They occurred in the upper part of Vytachiv buried soil are dated back to the beginning of the Upper Palaeolithic period. The lower cultural layer is revealed in the filling of an ancient ravine, formed on a level of the base of Vytachiv buried soil aged to circa 50 kyr BP. This layer presents a typical Mousterian flint assemblage. Bones of mammoth, bison, horse and cave lion were recovered in association with the lower layer. There are three possible versions of using ravine by paleantrops: rubbish-heap, primitive dwelling or storehouse for flint row materials.
палеоліт, стоянка, мустьє, стратиграфія
Залізняк Л. Л. "Неандертальський" яр мустьєрської стоянки Андріївка 4 поблизу Новомиргорода / Залізняк Л. Л. // Магістеріум. - 2015. - Вип. 60 : Археологічні студії. - С. 17-22.