Монопредикативні висловлення, ускладнені синонімічними дієприслівниковим або суб'єктним дієприкметниковим зворотами (на матеріалі сучасної французької художньої прози)
Лепетюха, Анастасія
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У статті монопредикативні висловлення з синтаксичною синонімією, ускладнені дієприслівниковим або суб’єктним дієприкметниковим
зворотами, розглянуто як феноменологічно редуковані вторинні системні (мовні) трансформи, актуалізовані у вигляді моносуб’єктних
мовленнєвих інновацій з імпліцитно-експліцитною або з імпліцитноекспліцитною + експліцитною предикацією. Проаналізовано структурно-семантичні особливості таких висловлень та визначено ступінь
ко(н)текстуальної пертинентності всіх членів віртуального (мовного)
синонімічного ряду шляхом зворотної реконструкції (мовлення → мова)
трансформаційних процесів із залученням альтернативного лінгвістичного експерименту.
Background. The monopredicative utterances complicated with synonymic gerundial or subject participial constructions are considered in this paper as monosubject discourse innovations with implicit-explicit or implicit-explicit + explicit predication with syntactical synonymy formed in surface stratum of consciousness of the language as the result of phenomenological transformation of primary (pivotal) propositions into secondary synonymic syntagms and propositions among which approximating, approaching, close, similar and co(n)textually adequate reduced (preferential) structures are distinguished. Purpose of the paper is to establish the structural typology and to define the semantic peculiarities of monopredicative utterances with synonymic gerundial or subject participial phrases and to determine the level of co(n)textual pertinence of each member of virtual (linguistic) synonymic series. Methods. In the analysis of monopredicative utterances with synonymic gerundial or subject participial syntagms, the methods of alternative linguistic experiment and of inverse reconstruction of systemic (linguistic) processes of transformation by the addressee are applied. Results. This paper establishes the structural models of monopredicative utterances with synonymic gerundial or subject participial syntagms, elucidates their semantic values, determines the levels of co(n)textual pertinence of primary and secondary structures, and proves the adequacy of preferential option in the contact and distant co(n)texts. Conclusions. Gerundial or subject participial synonymic syntagms are the one basic (with one terminal chain) and two basic (with two or more terminal chains) transformants of systemic subordinate and coordinate propositions used by the speaker to avoid: а) the overload of the co(n)text; б) the reactualization of some referents. The inverse reconstruction of language structures and the linguistic experiment (language game of addressee) allow to the recipient of information to interpret correctly the synonymic discourse innovation and to prove its co(n)textual pertinence. The perspective of the further studies is research of structural and semantic peculiarities of polypredicative utterances with gerundial and object participial synonymic syntagms.
Background. The monopredicative utterances complicated with synonymic gerundial or subject participial constructions are considered in this paper as monosubject discourse innovations with implicit-explicit or implicit-explicit + explicit predication with syntactical synonymy formed in surface stratum of consciousness of the language as the result of phenomenological transformation of primary (pivotal) propositions into secondary synonymic syntagms and propositions among which approximating, approaching, close, similar and co(n)textually adequate reduced (preferential) structures are distinguished. Purpose of the paper is to establish the structural typology and to define the semantic peculiarities of monopredicative utterances with synonymic gerundial or subject participial phrases and to determine the level of co(n)textual pertinence of each member of virtual (linguistic) synonymic series. Methods. In the analysis of monopredicative utterances with synonymic gerundial or subject participial syntagms, the methods of alternative linguistic experiment and of inverse reconstruction of systemic (linguistic) processes of transformation by the addressee are applied. Results. This paper establishes the structural models of monopredicative utterances with synonymic gerundial or subject participial syntagms, elucidates their semantic values, determines the levels of co(n)textual pertinence of primary and secondary structures, and proves the adequacy of preferential option in the contact and distant co(n)texts. Conclusions. Gerundial or subject participial synonymic syntagms are the one basic (with one terminal chain) and two basic (with two or more terminal chains) transformants of systemic subordinate and coordinate propositions used by the speaker to avoid: а) the overload of the co(n)text; б) the reactualization of some referents. The inverse reconstruction of language structures and the linguistic experiment (language game of addressee) allow to the recipient of information to interpret correctly the synonymic discourse innovation and to prove its co(n)textual pertinence. The perspective of the further studies is research of structural and semantic peculiarities of polypredicative utterances with gerundial and object participial synonymic syntagms.
дієприслівниковий зворот, ко(н)текст, мовленнєва інновація, монопредикативне висловлення, пертинентність, синтаксична синонімія, суб’єктний дієприкметниковий зворот, стаття, co(n)text, discourse innovation, gerundial construction, monopredicative utterance, pertinence, syntactical synonymy, subject participial construction
Лепетюха А. Монопредикативні висловлення, ускладнені синонімічними дієприслівниковим або суб'єктним дієприкметниковим зворотами (на матеріалі сучасної французької художньої прози) / Анастасія Лепетюха // Мова : класичне - модерне - постмодерне : збірник наукових праць. - 2018. - Вип. 4. - С. 129-141.