Prospective regulation of artificial intelligence in the European Union and its possible implications for Ukrain
Teremetskyi, Vladyslav
Burylo, Yurii
Stefanchuk, Mykola
Zozuliak, Olha
Udovenko, Zhanna
Zhuravlov, Dmitro
Duliba, Yevheniia
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The purpose of the article is to assess the main provisions of the draft Artificial Intelligence Act as well as the implications of its adoption for the EU candidate countries like Ukraine. The methodology of the study includes the method of system analysis and synthesis, the historical legal method as well as the comparative legal method. It has been established that the prospective legal regulation of artificial intelligence in the EU is aimed at preventing harm to individuals from artificial intelligence while fostering innovation and investment in this field. This is expected to be achieved following a risk-based approach, which allows to lay down different legal requirements and obligations for different categories of artificial intelligence systems depending on the level of risk they pose for the safety and fundamental rights of people. Besides, it has been concluded that despite all imperfections of the draft Artificial Intelligence Act its adoption will be a major step forward. It has also been concluded that the new regulation of artificial intelligence in the EU will have significant implications for further development of the national law (both public and private) of the EU candidate countries like Ukraine having to bring its national legislation in line with the relevant EU law.
artificial intelligence, AI systems, EU law, risk-based approach, legislative alignment, article
Prospective regulation of artificial intelligence in the European Union and its possible implications for Ukraine / Vladyslav Teremetskyi, Yurii Burylo, Mykola Stefanchuk, Olha Zozuliak, Zhanna Udovenko, Dmitro Zhuravlov, Yevheniia Duliba // International Journal of Applied Engineering & Technology. - 2024. - Vol. 6, No. 1. - Р. 137-145.