Empirical Foundations of Defining Notions: A Survey Based Methodology

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Fedoriv, Yaroslava
Zhukorska, Liudmyla
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This research explores empirical methods in defining linguistic notions, drawing insights from recent literature on diverse approaches to understanding complex linguistic units. It focuses on identifying key features, including cognitive dimensions, linguistic verbalization, and cultural/historical references. Addressing challenges in defining word meanings, the study emphasizes the adaptability of survey methods, guided by insights from a comprehensive literature review highlighting the pivotal role of empirical research in unveiling linguistic data and understanding language use and cognition. The paper methodically describes participant selection, data collection, and the design of empirical research instruments. The data analysis combines quantitative analysis via Google Forms for closed questions and qualitative content analysis for open-ended questions, resulting in a nuanced understanding of participants' responses and contributing to a holistic exploration of defined linguistic notions.
linguistic notions, linguistic units, survey methods, empirical exploration, conference materials
Fedoriv Ya. Empirical Foundations of Defining Notions: A Survey Based Methodology / Yaroslava Fedoriv, Liudmyla Zhukorska // Philological and Pedagogical Studies : Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Philological and Pedagogical Studies in 21stCentury National and International Science" / editor-in-chief S. Petrenko ; Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. - Kyiv : AVIAZ, 2023. - P. 46-49.