Про Дунай, князя Кия та початки слов'янської державності

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Скиба, Андрій
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ІА НАН України
Стаття присвячена ролі балкано-дунайської експансії для історичного розвитку ранньосередньовічних слов’ян.
Expansion to the Balkan-Danube region was crucial for the historical development of slavic tribes in the early Middle Ages. Danube, which combined the European east with South, Central and Western Europe, attracted the Slavs as a border with the Byzantine Empire with its rich lands. Predatory campaigns that preceded the Slavic colonization of the Balkans, were of great importance for the military and political development of the Slavs. Joint military companies with nomads played a particularly important role in this process, as well as military service on the side of Byzantium. Another important factor in the socio-political development of the Slavs was the emergence of fortified shopping and administrative centers, which performed the function of control over trade routes and were points for collecting duties. With such centers located on large rivers, was also associated with the arrangement of crossings. As one of these centers appears, in our opinion, Kyiv. Chronicle mention of the attempts of Prince Kyi, the founder of Kyiv, to consolidate on the Danube allows you to match the described events with the realities of the Great Settlement of the Slavs in the 6—7 centuries.
Дунай, раннє середньовіччя, Велике розселення слов’ян, князь Кий, стаття, Danube, early Medieval Ages, Great settlement of the Slavs, Prince Kyi
Скиба А. В. Про Дунай, князя Кия та початки слов'янської державності / Скиба Андрій Володимирович // Між Дніпром і Босфором: міжцивілізаційні контакти в зоні Чорного моря в середньовічні часи : нариси / [наук. ред. О. П. Моця] ; Інститут археології НАН України, Міжнародний союз Академій наук. - Київ : ІА НАН України, 2022. - Нарис 6. - С. 76-79.