Cross-language text classification with convolutional neural networks

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Musbah, Zaid
Lehinevych, Taras
Glybovets, Аndrii
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Text classification or text categorization problem is currently one of the most observed in the field of information and computer sciences. The task is to assign a text to one or more classes or categories and it becomes more difficult if we have to deal with different languages. This problem is called cross-language text classification problem. In our paper [1] was shown that cross-language multi-label text classification can be handled by a deep learning system without artificially embedding knowledge about words, phrases, sentences or any other syntactic or semantic structures associated with a language.
text classification, cross-language text classification problem, cross-language multi-label classification problem based, тези доповіді
Musbah Z. Cross-language text classification with convolutional neural networks / Zaid Musbah, Taras Lehinevych, Аndrii Glybovets // Обчислювальний інтелект (результати, проблеми, перспективи) : матеріали ІV-ої Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, 16-18 травня 2017 року, Україна, Київ / наук. ред. Снитюк В. Є. ; Київський національний університет ім. Тараса Шевченка. - Київ, 2017. - С. 178-179.