Уявні виміри ідентичности в творчості В. Домонтовича ("Доктор Серафікус", "Без ґрунту")
Полюхович, Ольга
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Еміграція створює відповідний ґрунт для конструювання ідентичності,
гри, перевірки потенційних ролей. Авторка розкриває тему уявної ідентичності як
спосіб відчуження від суспільства, яка стає центральною у "Докторі Серефікусі" та "Без ґрунту" В. Домонтовича, українського письменника, який сам пережив еміграцію.
The emigration creates an appropriate ground for identity construction, play, testing the potential roles. In Doctor Sereficus and Without Ground of V. Domontovych, Ukrainian writer who experienced emigration, the theme of imaginary identity as a way for alienation from society is the central one. In Doctor Sereficus, the image of the protagonist is not homogeneous and has several imaginary projections (Homo Ludens, anti-Don Juan, child). His life is depicted on the background of the 1920s as the example of bright style, but his imaginary identities do not turn into real life. In spite of his absurd rationality, Seraficus does not live rationally. As a result, he is the object of author’s irony. Rostyslav Mykhaylovych, the protagonist of Without Ground, perceives his situation critically and ironically. He tries to expand the boundaries of private space with the help of his imagination which gives a creative impulse to his life. Protagonists’ imaginary identities are the means to alienate themselves from the reality and become the markers of playful attitudes towards the reality.
The emigration creates an appropriate ground for identity construction, play, testing the potential roles. In Doctor Sereficus and Without Ground of V. Domontovych, Ukrainian writer who experienced emigration, the theme of imaginary identity as a way for alienation from society is the central one. In Doctor Sereficus, the image of the protagonist is not homogeneous and has several imaginary projections (Homo Ludens, anti-Don Juan, child). His life is depicted on the background of the 1920s as the example of bright style, but his imaginary identities do not turn into real life. In spite of his absurd rationality, Seraficus does not live rationally. As a result, he is the object of author’s irony. Rostyslav Mykhaylovych, the protagonist of Without Ground, perceives his situation critically and ironically. He tries to expand the boundaries of private space with the help of his imagination which gives a creative impulse to his life. Protagonists’ imaginary identities are the means to alienate themselves from the reality and become the markers of playful attitudes towards the reality.
emigration, identity construction, alienation from society, protagonist, reality, article, еміграція, ідентичність, відчуження від суспільства, головний герой, реальність, стаття
Полюхович О. П. Уявні виміри ідентичности в творчості В. Домонтовича ("Доктор Серафікус", "Без ґрунту") / Ольга Полюхович // Spheres of Culture / Maria Curie-Sklodovska University in Lublin. - 2013. - Vol. 5. - Р. 125-132.