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Item 3D реконструкція сцени за відео з декількох камер(2020) Томащук, Вадим; Крюкова, ГалинаРобота складається з чотирьох розділів. В першому розглянуто базові поняття виявлення та опису особливостей об’єктів, які є основою для будь якого обраного підходу 3D реконструкції сцени, а також розглянуто найпопулярніші алгоритми для кращого сприйняття цього етапу в процесі розробки. В другому розділі описана теоретична база епіполярної геометрії, вирівнювання та триангуляції, а також згадано про алгоритми відстежування та оцінки позиції об’єкта. Третій розділ повністю присвячений поетапній розробці практичного застосування та частково описується необхідна теорія, така як побудова карт невідповідностей та глибини. В четвертому розділі звернено увагу на недоліки проведеної роботи, оцінено ефективність практичного застосування та простір для подальшого вдосконалення.Item Actual Problems of Challenge of Arbitrators in International Commercial Arbitration(2020) Izotov, Oleksii; Logush, LyubovThe main purpose of this thesis is to analyze the specific features of the challenge procedure that necessitates its existence in international commercial arbitration, as well as to explore the substantive contents of the standards on which the challenges are usually based, as well as to identify the necessity for Ukrainian arbitration legislation to adopt the detailed clarifications of these standards in the light of limited provisions of national law in this regard.Item Adversarial robustness and attacks in Deep Learning Керівни(2022) Кузьменко, Дмитро; Швай, НадіяThe theoretical underpinnings for this field involve the notions of robustness and astuteness, local Lipschitzness, r-separability of datasets, robustness-accuracy tradeoff, and L-inf distance. This work will cover all the preliminaries, explain the choice of CIFAR-10 with L-inf metric space and eps=8/255 as a main dataset for the task, make use of already well-known attacks and defenses, introduce new ones, and try different ensembles on the 3 most robust models available on the benchmark – Adversarial Weight Perturbation, Augmentations and weight averaging, and Self-COnsistent Robust Error (SCORE-based model).Item Affordability and availability of physiotherapy for stroke patients at different levels of healthcare in Nigeria(2022) Usman, Idris; Kurpita, VolodymyrThe study adopted purposive research design where qualitative data was collected. The population of the study comprises of physiotherapists, medical officers, nurses, consultant neurologist, clinical psychologists and other relevant health professionals working in some selected hospitals in Nigeria. Using purposive sampling technique, 12 respondents will be picked from the selected hospitals to make up the sample size of the study. Data was collected using in-depth interview, and text analysis will be used to analyze the responses from the interview.Item Application Of Eu Competition Law To Data-Driven Markets(2020) Andryha, Dmytro; Novoseltsev, IllyaThe aim of this Master thesis is to examine the application of EU competition law to data-driven markets. The primarily objective is to clarify how the current competition policies apply to new forms of anticompetitive conduct related to the collection of data.Item The Approaches To Measuring Social Support In The Context Of Social Networking Sites(2020) Любенко, Роман; Мальцева, КатеринаThe goal of this study is to establish which of the two previously described approaches to the measurement of SNS-based social support has more validity and reliability – the endemic one or the non-endemic one.Item Balancing the Right of Access to Public Information and the Right to Personal Data Protection(2020) Tashkinova, Anna; Antonovych, MyroslavaThis paper aims to analyze the ECtHR judicial practice and theoretical discussions involving the right of access to public information and the right to personal data protection.Item Big data в публічному адмініструванні(2022) Мацера, Галина; Іщенко, ЮрійМета дослідження полягає в здійсненні комплексного аналізу феномену великих даних через особливості їх використання суб’єктами публічного адміністрування та їхнього впливу на права людини.Item Business cycle drivers during post-war recovery(2024) Коржик, Таїсія; Фарина, ОлександрThe purpose of the master's thesis is to deepen the theoretical and methodological foundations of business cycles by identifying drivers and developing practical recommendations for the period of post-war reconstruction in Ukraine.Item Compliance programs - a necessary instrument to fight corruption(2021) Vasylchenko, Ievgeniia; Dehghani, ArioThe main purpose of this thesis is to identify the effectiveness of the anticorruption compliance programs in preventing corruption in the private sector and beyond - its influence on the shaping of the anti-corruption framework generally.Item Conflict issue perceptions in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict by the both conflict parties(2022) Savon, Vladyslav; Kuzio, Taras; Bierman, RafaelThis paper explores conflict issues perceptions of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and compare the two-opposite point of views on this conflict.Item Control in Gordon-Newell Networks(2021) Степанюк, Роман; Чорней, РусланAs more and more companies are restructuring their business models to be more automized, the question of efficient usage of available capabilities arises. With the help of queuing networks, the only thing the customer has to do to get helpful information regarding the improvement of queueing processes in their company is to input the data that describes the system. As a result, they can be provided numbers, charts, and other data that will drastically improve the working process. By implying strategy improvement procedure on local decision-makers, optimal local strategy can be derived, improving the working process flow in the network.Item Controversies in politics of the Left party in Germany towards Ukraine before and after the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine(2023) Gordiienko, Anastasiia; Yakovlev, MaksymThis paper provides an examination of the politics, policies, and positions of the Die Linke Party regarding Ukraine and Russia. It specifically focuses on the changes in Die Linke's policies towards Ukraine before and after the onset of the full-scale war in 2022 and the influence of varying positions held by party members on the decision-making process. By analyzing intra-party dynamics, power distribution, and key figures within the party, this study fills a gap in the existing scientific research on the Left Party's policies towards Ukraine before and after the beginning of the Russian war in 2022. The relevance of the Left Party's policies toward Russia and Ukraine stems from several factors. Firstly, the party's historical connections with the Soviet Union and its prominent role in German politics make its stance on these issues significant for understanding broader dynamics in German foreign policy. Secondly, Germany's reliance on Russian gas and concerns regarding the potential influence of commercial interests on German politicians and entrepreneurs further highlight the importance of this topic. Lastly, despite extensive research on German foreign policy towards Russia and Ukraine, more explicit information is needed to focus on the attitudes of German political parties, including the Left Party, towards Ukraine. The Left Party's position on the Ukrainian conflict is characterized as complex and evolving, reflecting internal debates and divisions within the party. While the party's official stance condemns Putin's violation of international law and advocates for diplomacy, the statements and actions of prominent party figures like Wagenknecht present a more nuanced perspective. The Left Party's stance on the Ukrainian conflict has sparked discussions and controversies within the political landscape. The study's findings support the hypothesis, emphasizing the impact of the conflict on the party's popularity and the diverse range of opinions within the party itself.Item Corporate social responsibility: International and Ukrainian implementation experience(2022) Генералов, Олексій; Логуш, ЛюбовThe purpose of the study is to highlight the social and legal nature, prerequisites, implementation process and importance of corporate social responsibility in Ukraine and around the world, proving the economic feasibility of a conscious approach to entrepreneurship, justifying the need to improve Ukrainian legislation in this area.Item Counterclaims in international investment arвitration: а step towards balance of interests(2022) Кічігіна, Неллі; Берлач, НаталіяThe purpose of the thesis is to analyse the root causes of the asymmetric nature of investor-state arbitration and how it is reflected in the international law instruments of investment protection, as well as the prospects of imposing obligations on investors, especially in the human rights and environment sectors. The ultimate goal is to present a mechanism of counterclaims as a way to improve the imbalances of the investor-state arbitration, as well as to avoid the regulatory chill effect on the host states.Item Cross-border merger in European Union(2020) Moskvychov, Illia; Petrov, RomanThe work is aimed to analyze the cross-border merger as an essential part of realization of freedom of establishment, and how the European Union legislation is balancing between the global economic interest of cross-border merger and the protection of rights of participants in the merger.Item Current problems of regulation of cross-border subsidies under the laws of the World Trade Organization in the context of the challenges posed by Chinese state initiatives(2023) Zmazhenko, Oleksandra; Koval, DmytroThe purpose of the study is to develop an approach to the extension of provisions on prohibited subsidies to international subsidization, as well as to determine the possibility of unification and universalization of approaches to solving this issue.Item Cемантична сегментація зображень з використанням Transformer архітектури(2022) Іванюк-Скульський, Богдан; Швай, НадіяIn this work we have presented a model that efficiently balances between local representations obtained by convolution blocks and a global representations obtained by transformer blocks. Proposed model outperforms, previously, standard decoder architecture DeepLabV3 by at least 1% Jaccard index with smaller number of parameters. In the best case this improvement is of 7%. As part of our future work we plan to experiment with (1) MS COCO dataset pretraining (2) hyperparameters search.Item Cприйняття молодими парами шлюбу та сім’ї в контексті їх життєвого шляху(2020) Коваленко, Карина; Злобіна, ОленаМета: визначити бачення молодими людьми сім’ї та шлюбу як частини життєвого шляху. Емпіричною частиною роботи виступає аналіз 16 напівструктурованих глибинних інтерв'ю із вісьмома молодими парами, які перебувають у шлюбі або співжитті. Відкриті запитання дозволяють глибше розкрити бачення і розуміння сім’ї та шлюбу респондентів у їх життєвому шляху, також такі інтерв’ю допомагають краще зрозуміти причини того чи іншого сприйняття шлюбності молоддю.Item Data Mining як інструмент оцінки та прогнозування найвагоміших показників ефективності сторінок брендів в соціальних мережах(2020) Олійник, Анна; Чала, НінаМетою кваліфікаційної роботи є формування практичних рекомендацій щодо застосування Data Mining для аналітики сторінок брендів в соціальних мережах з метою оцінки та прогнозування їх найвагоміших показників ефективності.