Єврейське питання на Правобережній Україні (1905-1914 рр.): бюрократичні практики проти єврейського проекту
Гаухман, Михайло
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The First Russian Revolution (1905-1907) was the Russian “Spring of Nations”,
when mass nation-making projects were being out into action. Right-bank
Ukraine was one of the regions of Russian Empire where different competing
national projects - Russian, Ukrainian, Jewish and Polish - were being realized
simultaneously. The object of our study work is the degree of (i ^effectiveness of
the Jewish project and Russian national politics in regard to the Jewish nationmaking process during the First Russian Revolution and post-revolution period
on the materials of Right-bank Ukraine. The Jewish Project was realized through
the following nation-making practices: 1) dissemination of Yiddish as a national
language; 2) submission of secularization among Jews; 3) creating Jewish national
social-democratic parties and Jewish trade-unions. The Russian bureaucracy, an
agent of Russian project, obstructed non-Russian national projects, especially the
Jewish project. Rhw bureaucracy created the “Jewish threat” and fought against
the Jewish project tooth and nail. However, this was the only action they took
against against Jewish-only national social-democratic parties and Jewish tradeunions, which were being constantly recreated. Thus we conclude that the Jewish
Project was effectiveness and imperial politics toward the Jewish nation-making
process were ineffective.
юдаїка, єврейське питання, Правобережна Україна, бюрократія, історія, єврейський проект, національна політика, імперська політика, нація, стаття
Гаухман М. Єврейське питання на Правобережній Україні (1905-1914 рр.): бюрократичні практики проти єврейського проекту / Михайло Гаухман // Українська орієнталістика : спеціальний випуск з юдаїки. - 2011. - С. 277-300.