Assessment of Green Space's State Along Highways: A Case Study of Kiltseva Road (Kyiv, Ukraine)

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Vorobiova, K.
Kozak, O.
Khlobystov, D.
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The types of green spaces within a 1 km radius of Kyiv’s Kiltseva Road were identified using the buffering method in the QGIS geoinformation environment. GIS techniques were used to analyze the vegetation cover, specifically utilizing land use data from OpenStreetMap. Field observations in July 2024 focused on assessing leaf damage in the most abundant tree species (Tilia cordata Mill., Populus nigra L., Acer platanoides L., A. negundo L., and Picea pungens Engelm.) at 13 selected points along Kiltseva Road. The assessment includes leaf damage caused by pathogens and pests (including chlorosis, necrosis, pigmentation, pathogens and herbivore damage). Results show that the degree of leaf damage was medium to high, with 9.7% and 10.0% of the leaf area affected in the northwestern and southern parts of the highway, particularly near major transport interchanges. In contrast, the northern and western sections showed lower medium damage rates of 8.5% to 8.8%. Additionally, various amounts of solid dust particles (originating from soil and anthropogenic sources) were detected on the surface of tree leaves. Red-brown pigmentation, observed along the main veins of the leaves, can be the consequence of atmospheric pollution from NOx and SO2 emissions. The state of green spaces was further impacted by extreme weather conditions, including abnormally high temperatures (above 30°C) and prolonged drought periods during the summer.
urban green space, spatial analysis, air pollution, urban heat island, climate change adaptation, conference materials
Vorobiova K. Assessment of Green Space's State Along Highways: A Case Study of Kiltseva Road (Kyiv, Ukraine) / K. Vorobiova, O. Kozak, D. Khlobystov // International Conference of Young Professionals "GeoTerrace-2024", 7-9 October 2024, Lviv, Ukraine. - [S. l.] : European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2024. - Vol. 2024. - P. 1-5. -