Прозелиты в Хазарском каганате: исторический обзор по вопросу позиций иудаизма в хазарском обществе
Бубенок, Олег
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For several centuries now, questions about the dissemination of Judaism in the
Khazar Kaganate have held the interest of a multitude of scholars. There are two
notable modem points of view on how widely Judaism had been spread among
the Khazars either nearly all Khazars became Jews or the Jews were only ruling
stratum of the Khazars. This paper analyzes and compares the arguments of both
sides, and comes to the conclusion that the Jews of the Khazar Kaganate were
(excepting the Hebrews) only a part of the Khazar city population, and which
were in direct relation to both the mling stratum and merchants. Also some of
the North Caucasian Alans with deep connections with the Khazar-Hebrew trade
Also, the Western European traveler Plano Carpini mentioned in XIII century
the Bmtaques, who were Jewish, among the peoples conquered by Mongols.
Some scholars think that the Bmtaques were the descendants of Burtases, who
became Jewish in the Khazar kaganate and others believed that they were simply
of Khazarian origin. However, we have reason to believe that the Bmtaques were
merely the neighbors of the Jews in the Northern Western Caucasus during the
Khazar and post-Khazar times.
прозелиты, каганат, Хазарский каганат, история, иудаизм, статья
Бубенок О. Пролезиты в Хазарском каганате: исторический обзор по вопросу позиций иудаизма в хазарском обществе / Олег Бубенок // Українська орієнталістика : спеціальний випуск з юдаїки. - 2011. - С. 124-153.