Information security education system in secondary school and assessment of the level of anxiety of schoolchildren
Bocharov, Mikhail
Simonova, Irina
BocharovŠ°, Tatyana
Zaika, Anna
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The analysis of the results of scientific research has revealed the necessity to track the level of anxiety of a student while
studying aspects of information security in a particular subject area. And in accordance with the results, it was necessary
to justify the choice of methods for management and content of information security training in order to minimize the
negative impact on the psychological state of a child of middle school age. The purpose of the research is to determine
the impact of educational elements from a specific subject area related to information security guaranteeing on the level
of anxiety of secondary schools students.
The authors identified the need to assess the level of anxiety of students while studying aspects of information security in
a particular subject area and proposed tools for tracking the level of anxiety. In the middle school, during the formation of
a comprehensive idea of professional activities in the field of information security, especially at the pre-profile stage, an
approach that forms the basis for the formation of the content of information security training is substantiated. It
combines the knowledge from a wide range of different sciences for teaching secondary school students. The study shows
that the level of situational anxiety of secondary school students while studying aspects of information security in a
particular subject area can increase due to the natural reaction of the body, adapting to new potential threats for it. It was
experimentally established that the level of personal anxiety as a result of assimilation of new knowledge about
information security did not change both before studying the educational elements of information security in a particular
subject area, and after studying them.
Digital Education, Information Security of Students, the Conceptual Apparatus of Information Security, Sources of Information Threats, Information Security Training, the Level of Anxiety of Adolescents, conference materials
Information security education system in secondary school and assessment of the level of anxiety of schoolchildren / Bocharov M. I., Simonova I. V., Bocharova T. I., Zaika A. Y. // 17th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, CELDA 2020. - 2020. - P. 11-18.