The case classification and their development for would-be mathematics teachers' training

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Achkan, Vitaliy
Vlasenko, Kateryna
Lovianova, Iryna
Kaluhin, Ruslan
Armash, Tetiana
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The article looks into the issue of the case classification for the training of Mathematics teachers. The analysis, which was carried out, and the survey of 47 University teachers of methodical disciplines allowed to highlight the classification features of cases in the process of teaching methodical disciplines: the amount of time to complete, the way of presentation, the level of complexity and the breadth of the covered problem. Classifying cases by the amount of time for their implementation contributed to the separation of mini-cases, medium-term cases, and long-term cases. Classification by the method of presentation of cases in the process of studying methodical disciplines ensured their use in printed (handwritten) form, multimedia presentation of cases, and video cases. According to the level of complexity,the cases were divided into reproductive-training, partial-research, and creative-innovative cases. Thematic and integrated cases ensured the breadth of coverage of the problem during the teaching of methodical disciplines. The article presents general requirements for the selection and development of cases in the process of studying methodical disciplines. These requirements are based on the principles of accessibility, scientificity, contextuality, systematicity, methodological expediency, and practical orientation. The classification and specific requirements became the basis for the development of cases that can be used in the process of teaching methodological disciplines of would-be Mathematics teachers.
teaching methodical disciplines, selection and development of cases, mathematics teachers, conference materials
The case classification and their development for would-be mathematics teachers' training / V. V. Achkan, K. V .Vlasenko, I. V. Lovianova, R. Yu. Kaluhin, T. S. Armash // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. - 2024. - Vol. 2871(1). - Art. no. 012001. - 11 p. -