Цифрове кураторство: виклики та можливості для бібліотечно-­інформаційної освіти

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Ярошенко, Тетяна
Сербін, Олег
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Харківська державна академія культури
Досліджено нові професійні кваліфікації і компетентності в галузі цифрового кураторства, відповідні виклики для бібліотечно-інформаційної освіти зокрема. Уточнено зміст поняття "цифрове кураторство", визначено історію його появи, окреслено основні компетентності бібліотечних фахівців, які можуть працювати в галузі цифрового кураторства, а також відповідні завдання бібліотечно-інформаційної освіти, у т. ч. безперервної.
Since digital information and information technologies are significantly changing the activities of libraries, the purpose of the article is to explore new professional qualifications and competencies for those working in the field of digital curation and corresponding challenges for library and information education. The paper defines and describes digital curation as emerging field of theory and practice in the LIS (that includes digital preservation, data curation, and management of information assets over their lifecycle), the trends which are influencing its development. It analyses the genesis of the term and traditional libraries’ roles relating to digital data and digital curation. The scientific novelty. The analysis and content of the concept of “digital curation”, the history of its emergence, the main competencies for library specialists who can work in the field of digital curation, as well as the corresponding tasks of library and information education, including lifelong learning education. The article also synthesizes previous research in the area of digital curation and helps LIS scholars to understand the intellectual and practical framework and the importance of digital curation in adding value to all types of data. The conclusions. The term “digital curation” is increasingly being used for the actions needed to add value to and maintain digital data over time for current and future generations of users. The generalization of existing research and practice that has developed in the world in the field of digital curation indicates the urgency of the need to create appropriate educational programs in library and information science in Ukraine (both within master’s programs and in continuous formal and informal education). The need for qualified specialists in data curation is urgent now and will only grow over time. The training of such specialists is entirely within the competence of the library and information field. The results of the analysis indicate that activities in the field of digital curation are characterized by a complex interaction of various skills and knowledge. They lack attention in modern library and information education, including the understanding of these challenges, which provides a new point of reference for appropriate changes. The significant effort needs to be put into developing a persistent information infrastructure for digital data and into developing the digital curation skills of librarians and information professionals.
цифрове кураторство, цифрові дані, бібліотеки, бібліотечно-інформаційна освіта, стаття, digital curation, digital data, libraries, library and information science
Ярошенко Т. О. Цифрове кураторство: виклики та можливості для бібліотечно­інформаційної освіти / Т. О. Ярошенко, О. О. Сербін // Вісник Харківської державної академії культури. - 2023. - Вип. 63. - С. 56-71. - https://doi.org/10.31516/2410-5333.063.04