Building resilience of Ukrainian fact-checkers in the fight against disinformation about the European Union

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Catalán Matamoros, Daniel
Romaniuk, Viktoriia
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This book is being published under the project titled "Building resilience of Ukrainian fact-checkers in the fight against disinformation about the EU" which was funded by the European Media and Information Fund (EMIF). The project was led by the UC3M MediaLab Research Group in Madrid University Carlos III in collaboration with, the leading fact-checking organization in Ukraine. The aim was to strengthen the capacity of EU and Ukrainian factchecking organizations to combat disinformation, particularly around topics related to the European Union. The war in Ukraine has intensified disinformation, including Russian propaganda that actively discredits the EU and tries to undermine support for Ukraine from EU states and democratic values inside Ukrainian media space (European Commission, 2022). The project mapped the main disinformation narratives and actors to flag them to the wider fact-checking community in the European Union to help them identify malign narratives and mitigate their impact. This initiative is a set of research and educational activities aimed at improving fact-checking skills and awareness among fact-checkers. The project fosters positive transformations in the EU and Ukrainian media landscapes through information dissemination and knowledge exchange. The project strengthens the work of fact-checking organizations and reviews expertise and methodologies on information verification. Through this approach, it is expected to contribute significantly to the fight against disinformation in Europe. Therefore, this project is funded by EMIF and led by UC3M MediaLab and, key organizations in the field.
fact-checking, disinformation, Russian propaganda, StopFake, EMIF, book chapter
Catalán Matamoros D. Building resilience of Ukrainian fact-checkers in the fight against disinformation about the European Union / Daniel Catalán Matamoros, Viktoriia Romaniuk // Disinformation and fact-checking in contemporary society / Daniel Catalan-Matamoros (coordinador). - Madrid : Dykinson, 2023. - Chapter 1. - P. 9-22.