Environmental consequences of the RF military actions for the Ozersky quarry
Karamushka, Victor
Derevska, Kateryna
Sova, Liudmyla
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The article presents the results of the analysis of the influence of military and natural factors on the condition and operation of the quarry at the Ozersky clay deposit. It is shown that, in addition to the destructive influence of the Russian aggressors, the main threat to the operation of the quarry at the moment is hydrological factors. The quarry was flooded as a result of the increased inflow of groundwater from the feeding area of the tributary of the Irpin River. The level of these waters rose significantly after the flooding of the Irpin valley. These data are part of the results of the study of the ecological state of the quarry and the succession of its ecosystem.
Ozersky clay deposit, Russian aggressors, hydrological factors, Irpin valley, ecosystem, conference materials
Karamushka V. I. Environmental consequences of the RF military actions for the Ozersky quarry / Karamushka V., Derevska K., Sova L. // Сталий розвиток: захист навколишнього середовища. Енергоощадність. Збалансоване природокористування. VІІІ Міжнародний молодіжний конгрес, 16-18 жовтня 2024, Україна, Львів : збірник матеріалів / Національний університет "Львівська політехніка" [та ін.]. - Київ : ГО "МНГ", 2024. - C. 95.